Attention OGs

Well, I don’t normally shave them on weeks when my leg hair is in braids, so…:eek:

That is probably the reason.

Yay, Em! Welcome to the monkey house.

walks off to find more brain bleach

But flashing leg and a bit of cleavage ARE the membership dues, Shel!

Come on, Em: pay up!:smiley:

OMG, Congrats Emily, looks like the crew lit a fire under you at Chuck B-Day call. I now give you permission to catch up on your school work. :wink:

Maybe if I give you free membership to the “Avatar” club you will join up. :smiley:

Top shelf. Next to the ice picks.

You can see one naked leg thats all your getting :slight_smile:

Oh wow Dave that is amazing thanks!

Yeah, one naked leg is all that bkitty showed us too.:frowning: But sure sure was all giggly about it. :slight_smile:

Great avatar it only took you 1000 post to get one. :smiley:

Ow! That would be one painful shave on Saturday morning.

Yeah… they sent around a collection plate to get me a new pair of pants.

But…we’re all going pantsless now!

I didn’t get one! :slight_smile:

Here you go.

Pike, you are so thoughtful and kind. How did you remember how much Spatterson loves dead fish?

Well, after the initiation ceremony, who could forget?

I have a feeling that they are herring. And I’ve search my feelings over and over. And I still can’t figure out why (in a GWC context) I find them LESS disturbing than cookies.:eek:

Well, they’re uncoated herrings, for one…

Don’t search your feelings, search GR’s posts.

You know it to be true.

Giggedy Giggedy Goo!!!
