Pike, you are so thoughtful and kind. How did you remember how much Spatterson loves dead fish?
Well, after the initiation ceremony, who could forget?
I have a feeling that they are herring. And I’ve search my feelings over and over. And I still can’t figure out why (in a GWC context) I find them LESS disturbing than cookies.:eek:
Well, they’re uncoated herrings, for one…
Don’t search your feelings, search GR’s posts.
You know it to be true.
How the frak did I miss all this fun? I know. Em made OG and this got mixed in the shuffle. But that is no excuse. Fantastic job, Thot! I just have one question. Did Shat mention me?
What happens when we get to 10,000? lol
Oh, that’s when they give you back your pants…but take your shirt.
(I’ve got nothin’)
No one knows what happens when unwary OG’s dare to pass the 10,000-post threshold. That’s why we’re letting Frakkintalos go first–you know, use him as a guinea pig to see what happens so the rest of us can arm ourselves accordingly.
Yes he did.
He told me you should give me your Communicator ornament.:rolleyes:
How about this…frakkintalos vs. ThotFullGuy first to 10,000 gets um…my pants!
frown Oh alright. Shat’s will be done.
I was told I could finally take another goo bath and get another body.
The bunny one is starting to smell. Pike and Solai have been complaining about the stench. They would never say it around here, though. Badger keeps making the joke about stuff sticking to fur. Topgun and Thot just giggle. Lady D pinches my cheeks and tells me how cute I am. Prior to becoming an OG everyone just thinks its a joke and then they see me in the bunny suit and think, “Oh I thot they were kiddin’” The rest avoid me. It’s not easy being a bunny. So, I hope the rumour is true. 10,000 and I shed the bunny suit. It should be glorious.
I really don’t like hip huggers. They show off my plumber’s…well…uknow. Besides I shop at the Tall and Big store. I would look like Lou Ferrigno in your pants I bet. That might be fun, though.
How’s this?
My hope is that the first to make it is named “Cylon Model#1”, second is #2 and so on. Once there is 12 models it will be locked and all further 10,000ers will be “Viper Jocks”. After we have 12 they will be required to come to the 2nd annual meet up for the official “GWC Last Supper Pic” featuring the crew and the 12 cylons.
That’s quite an imagination you got there. It’s a nice dream, though.
What happens when we get to 10,000? lol
I’m holding out hope that my student loans will be paid off by the cylon god. Daddy needs a new pair of shoes!
Or, maybe Chuck will just throw you a live GWC
I’d rather have my loans paid off. Will Chuck do that?