Must agree, though the British Parliament or the Russian Duma? AWESOME-SAUCE!!!
The British House of commons is a hoot, I’ll give you that.
So maybe this is something for another thread (couldn’t find it on a quick search) but what makes a ‘b movie’? and what then determines if it is a good ‘b movie’?
I would classify Galaxy Quest as a b movie, for example, but I love it. have it in two formats, and I’m just biding my time to add other formats to the collection. Futuresport, on the other hand, is a b movie I don’t particularly like… either version.
I thought the first one was good, the second one was ok (except for “The Rock” CGI), and the third on was just awful.
LOL… I actually like the first season, after that it got pretty weird.
Agreed. The third Mummy was a bit of a mess. Yeti’s? and what the hell was happening at the end anyway. I have seen it three times and still can’t sort out what the big “machine” was supposed to be doing.
I have to say however, that the first two Mummy movies are among my favorites. I think Brendon Fraser is a great comic actor and brings that uniquely into this adventire genre in a really fun way. Some great quotes in there and great, memorable scenes. I have seen them both many times and still enjoy them.
Ardeth Bay: “This was my first bus ride.” from The Mummy Returns. I mean, thats just pure gold.
Arcs I would not want to pursue… Anything with Iwaxana Troi or Alexander from TNG. Just can’t go there.
Reality Show Arc… With special guest SNOOKI! shudder