Arcs you don't want to happen

God I hate those movies

I know I’m going to get a lot of heat, but to be honest, and I have tried really hard to like his work, but anything by Joss Wheadon has bored me to tears. He is IMHO an overrated hack. Just me. Any arc involving his work would to me would be a waste of time.

well, this podcast already had like 2 arcs on Firefly… sorry that wasted your time.

I think that may be a little strong, after all GWC’s message is don’t be a hater. However I can see that his writing might not be your cup of tea. I watched Buffy when I was the same age as the characters, starting when I was about 15. It resonated with me because of the trials and tribulations of secondary school and being a teenager. I find Whedon’s scripting on his shows to be overall delightful. I am not much into vampires otherwise, but the characters are what grabbed me.

A Whedon arc could also encompass things like Dr Horrible, which is fascinating because of the cirumstances in which it was made. I have a sneaking suspicion there was already a 'cast on that though, can anyone refresh my lazy memory?

In any case, regarding this thread, I think if one is dissatisfied with one or even three of the 'casts, the length of the rest should make up for it. I know I am a few weeks behind, as I find it tricky to find 3.5 hours on the weekend to listen!

Three word: Rachel Ray arc

I think they cloned that woman. Every time I see her (on TV, on a magazine, in an ad), she looks different.

Troll. :rolleyes:

Hack, really?

I can see someone not liking his style–his characters tend to be very ‘clever’–but he’s good at doing that style. I generally like it, and I’ll give anything with his name on it a look.

But as was mentioned, we’ve been through a couple Whedon arcs already and I would expect a few more.

i just don’t listen to casts that aren’t for me. and that includes whedon. but it’s all live and let live over here.

Oddly, how much I enjoy what they are talking about rarely effects how much I enjoy the cast. I have heard casts I loved talking about stuff I really didn’t like.

I fast forwarded on them

no doubt that listening to the crew talk about things that i already enjoy is more fun. but let’s just say i often find it’s more enjoyable listening to the crew talk about things i don’t already enjoy, than listening to other podcasts talk about things i already enjoy…

lol! Yes a hack really Talos. Maybe it’s a generational thing. About the only thing he’s written that had me mildly amused was the original Buffy movie, and I think that was more because of Paul Reubens than anything else.

what about the original Toy Story?

and Joss directed my favorite Glee episode till this day. 1x19 “Dream On”.

His direction of the dream on dual, and artie’s safety dance were amazing.

The original Toy story he was not the sole writer, and to be honest while an entertaining movie, I thought Toy Story 2 was far better. As far as Glee, honestly, I have never seen an episode.

Too bad, season 1 certainly is worth anyone’s time. That episode had Neil Patrick Harris, just full of win.

Ahhh, I see. So yours is the generation that likes mildly amusing forms of entertainment? :wink:

I agree, the original Buffy movie was mildly amusing because it didn’t take its self seriously. It was also extremely arousing to see Kristy Swanson kicking vampire ars.

Almost forgot, I vote HELLZ NO! for a Kurt Russell arc. :mad:

but a HELLZ YES for a Keri Russell arc, right? :wink:


I’d watch that. Let’s get Brian Lamb to review some SF books!