Archer Quotes

Yes. It’s time.
I’ll start us off with something simple:

“Just the tip.”

Damnit! When I saw the subject, that was going to be mine.

Very well: “You could drown a toddler in my panties.”

And mine three! :smiley:

Well then let’s go with: “No Cyril, when they’re dead, they’re just hookers!”

“Everyone shoots the chippy!”

“Oh my god, what shade is that? Crack whore red?”

Shut your dickholes!

“My vulva is smoother than a veal cutlet!” - Lana

“Shut your schnitzel hole!” --Lana

Holy Crom, she’s ossim!!! :smiley:

“A big FUCK YOU, you and your Lincoln Loggy fingers!”

One of my all time favorite quotes from my favorite episode Skytanic that seriously makes me laugh out loud everytime:

Lana and Cyril are pushing the bomb out of the blimp struggling to do so in time
Lana: “Yes Cyril! We will make it!”
Archer: “Hooray for metaphors!”

“What’s with all the bottles?”
“Yeah, it’s like a trailer park Easter.”

“I would prefer not to…
Bartleby the Scrivener? Anybody? Not a big Melville crowd, huh…”


Gets me every time.

“Looks like it’s just you and me, Reggie. Now, be a dear and put on some Mingus.”

“Looks like we just bombed Ireland.”
“I’m pretty sure that was Wales.”

From the latest episode:

Lana: “Wait! We don’t know which Mounties are the real ones! What do we do?”
Archer: sighs, Points gun at a random Mountie and chocks
Lana: “ARCHER!”

I have no quote, but this past week’s episode featured the, cleaned up, voice talent of The Trailer Park Boys, One of the best mockumentaries ever, and one of Canada’s greatest exports.


Archer: “Mother, the chevrons are locking!” (Gotta love a Stargate reference.)

Lana: “Cyril is utterly, laughably, unqualified to be a field agent, some offence.”
Cyril: “Some taken.”

Krieger: “I literally, figuratively scoured the globe for the special herbs at no small expense to myself.”

Malory: “…how and why are you drunk at 6pm?”
Archer: “Well, the how’s pretty self explainatory…”

after Archer is torn to shreds after playing with Carol’s oscellot for the first time:

“it’s like meowschwitz in there…”