Angel 5x03 Unleashed

Wednesday, 21 September 2011
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“You know that whoosh thing that you do where you’re not there anymore? I love that.”

Watch online at Netflix.

Starting now…

Small Feudian slip from Wesley there. :slight_smile:

Gunn also got hair :slight_smile:

Good ears on a vampire…

Preternatural hearing. Goes with the “kinda gross” smelling people thing :smiley:

Sorry I’m late. Lost track of time. :frowning:

Phlox! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hola, Señor B!

Hey look, it’s creepy Dr Phlox!

Angel and his blondes. :rolleyes:

Werewolf aftermath. Better or worse than a nasty hangover?

True. Which makes Cordelia even more an anomaly

Not really. Once a brunette catches his eye, she… changes. :eek:

“Said the psycho rapist.”

Boy, are you barking up the wrong tree there.

So to speak. :slight_smile:

“I’m a monster too.”
“So… what? You’re like a Frankenstein?”

The forehead! bwhahahahaha! :smiley:

“You’re not a monster too, are you?” :frowning:

“Do your job”

Was he an admiral at one point? :wink:

“That extra weight is not looking so good on you.”

I can’t believe that line was in this. He’d actually plumped up a bit around this time. Can’t be a coincidence.

And how did the sister not notice any of this?

Wouldn’t it have made more sense to take her clothes off before the rinse cycle?