Angel 5x03 Unleashed

Lorne’s kinda craaaap with the reading lately, huh?

I have to wonder why they decided to depend on Lorne’s abilities like this. It’s not like they were subverted completely by Jasmine or anything. Surely that could never happen again. :rolleyes:

“Well, no offense, but he’s scarier than you!”
“Wanna bet?” :smiley:

“It’s a menu.”

To Serve Werewolf? :slight_smile:

I know that Angel can be threatening, but really, these are W&H employees, being beaten and eaten by a vampire is not at the top of the scary list.

“…but I promised them a werewolf.”
“And a month from now, you’ll have one.” :smiley:

Angel got so dark this season. He never would have done something like that before this season, no matter how much the dude deserved it.

On the other hand, being given up for lunch for someone else, that’s scary.

You’re forgetting that Angel isn’t just any vampire. He’s got the memories and creativity of Angelus. The unwholesome things he do could be staggering. :eek:

Same could be said for 7th season Buffy. In theory, anyway :slight_smile:

“Well, being nearly indestructible is cool.”

Or it would be, if you actually were. :rolleyes:

Sorry, I was away from the keyboard, had to walk the dog. Not a euphamism. :slight_smile:

I think that was covered by the “Nearly” part. :slight_smile: