Angel 4x20 Sacrifice

Wednesday, 17 August 2011
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“Every moment that passes, I grow closer to my followers. I feel what they
feel. I see what they see. We’re fusing together, like the cells of a single
body. They’re my eyes, my skin, my limbs, and if need be, my fists.”

Watch online at Netflix.

Starting now…

We start on time now? :o

Isn’t she wonderful?

Yep. It got confusing for the newbies.

Gorrramit! My fav line of this entire series is in the ep before this one. Guess i’ll be rewatching later lol

“Anyone else feel like the last feisty wife in Stepford?” :smiley:

Yep. Changed that several months ago. Fewer people showing up to the fraks, and it was confusing the noobs.

People getting nekkid…LUNCHTIME! :smiley:

Which line was that?

No one ever believes you when you warn them about pod people.

Trust me, I know. :rolleyes:

“You can’t outrun my love. It has wings made of radio.”

Isn’t Jasmine just the best? The best! :slight_smile:

I’m afraid to ask…

Lorne: Tonight, the part of Judas Iscariot will be played by Krevlorne Swath of the Deathwok Clan.

Gets me every time. :slight_smile:

“Maybe it was embarrassing, like Hester or Pina.” :smiley:

Offtopic: Gina Torres has amazing hair…just sayin

Great pull. :smiley:

Just wonderful. Absolutely the best! :slight_smile:

I covet it :smiley:

Walking through tunnels, falling into a trapped 10x10 foot pit, monsters, this is a D&D adventure.