Angel 4x20 Sacrifice

That kid has some voice.

Sort of like the Marlboro Man. :slight_smile:

Keep an eye out for gelatinous cubes! :eek:

“2 weeks down here and i’d be ready to move in with my mother.”

Damn. Thats nasty

Oh well, California’s been in worse hands…

Jasmine 2012!

That’s what’s wrong with Cali now…they dont follow Jasmine! She’s so wonderful :slight_smile:

all that’s lacking is Numfar doing the Dance of Ickiness :smiley:

Jasmine going all temple building on the souls of her followers is beginning slowly drift her away from the idea that she is the plan of TPTB. Or she lead the PTBs to put her in this spot.

Holy Mr Crabs!!

“We loved her first!” :cool:

I don’t agree. I just think her ambitions grew the longer she was on this plane.

“And how does your kind define love?”
“Same as all bodies. Same as everywheres. Love is sacrifice.” :cool:

Who is playing the monster? I recognize his voice from a previous Buffy Monster. Maybe The Master?

Jeff Ricketts

He was one of the Hands of Blue.

I love this Bug Guy. :cool:

“Why don’t you go dead?” :smiley:

I thought I recognized the voice, ne does sound a little like the Master though.

Yes, he does.

Flesh magic is creeping me the frak out. This is worse than the hands of blue

LOL, D said the same thing!