Am i the only one who lovvvves Green Lantern?

The problem I have with it is that is just forces comics further and further into irrelevance, what other place can people come back from death constantly? It’s what killed Dallas!

That be said Hal Jordan was just too Iconic to be trashed and thrown out the way he was. At the time they did a big FU to the people that had supported them. Thankfully they came to their senses and got a way for him to return.

Hal jordan only became an icon after he died, his comic was struggling to keep readers and he was a dull character. His return was also insulting, and they’re doing it again with Barry Allen.

With all the talk about a GL movie now (THANK YOU CGI!!!). What character are they putting in the lead. Yep Hal Jordan.

And I for one can’t wait.

Guy Gardner 4 life yo!

I don’t like it no, nor his Flash, JSA and I thought Infinite Crisis was dull.

He keeps writing about the past!

Green Lantern is about the past ???

Hal Jordan was created in 1959, was crap then, is crap now.

Geoff Johns mostly writes superhero Fan fiction, about comics from decades ago.

The first issues of Booster Gold really are fun though.

Must not have been too much crap if people frakkin HATED Kyle Rayner and were clamoring for Jordan back. Must also not be crap now if Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps are two of the best books running.

Huremph. Back off my boy Highball

The main GL title sells less now that the tail end of the Rayner run, but the market as a whole has shrunk, so really, from a sales standpoint, no real preference is shown.

No one was actually calling for Hal’s return, except people that… well, wanted old comics.

Highball… god, that nickname REALLY annoys me. I have no basis for this annoyance though, I’m a mental.

Why’s it annoy you? Dude’s a bar fly and a fighter pilot. Bam. He’s lucky he didn’t get labeled “Flute” or “Snifter”

He’s also an alcoholic.

Nicknames that come from nowhere weird me out, when I was 12 I started calling myself Bubble, but it never got picked up :frowning:

Well to be honest I don’t keep up with GL or the others so much now. Occasionally I’ll pick up a book to see whats up but not as heavy as i used to be.

You’re right that when they got Hal out of action it was cause sales were off. How they did this though was worse. I actually like Kyle wasn’t to bad as a gl.

One thing about any good well written character. As with all of us we have our faults. Many of the good characters in comics or any other genre have this. It’s how they deal with that while doing what they have to do that gets us. Hal is def in that vein.

You want sales to pick up, it begins and ends with the writing. Without that just lockup and turn out the lights.

I think we’ve got your callsign.

I like it!

I’ll have to sort one of them out… one day!

cant wait for blackest night…gonna be sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

I’ve been convinced to give it a shot, so I will, but jeebus help the comic shop guy if it sucks.

Actually, he’s promised me a discount on a bunch of hardbacks i want if i don’t like it.

So basically, it’s a nerd-off.

Darkest night looks like it’s going to be real no hold barred, knock down drag em out. My question is where do they go from here?

They’ll just circle 1975-85 again and again, until new, even worse writers come in and do 85-2000.

booyah, back with the rage!

That sucks you’re gonna go into it looking to hate it to get the discount =/

I went into The Boys for much the same reason, and dangit, i love that comic.

Why must you make me rage. You hate on GL but love The Boys? I think my brain is leaking out of my ears…that may be a problem.

It Hitman turned up to 100!

GL: Great writing, great story, great characters, great art, AWESOME

The Boys: It’s Ennis so it’s awesome but it’s not exactly great any of the above.