Aliens vs Predators vs Terminators Deathmatch

The Crossover Theories thread gave me the idea to look. I used search and could only find Predator vs. Terminator (T-1000) to my surprise. So, here it is!

Which group would come out on top?

The xenomorphs and the Terminators probably wouldn’t care about each other. Terminators are programmed to kill humans, and they’re intelligent enough to understand the danger of fighting a creature with acid for blood. The xenomorphs wouldn’t see them as viable hosts, so they’d most likely ignore them unless they attacked.

All of which is a moot point, because the Predators would nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure. :cool:

I think the Terminators access to time travel gives them somewhat of an edge.

Frank Miller addressed Robocop vs. Terminator:

I see that you have Predators, and Terminators. How many are we talking? What models?
Good subject btw!

good point… I think Alien will have a hardtime taking down T-1000.

Alien acid blood would prolly wreak havoc on a T-1000’s (or T-X’s) system. Every time a T-1000 or T-X slashes an alien, that terminator is damaging their own systems I think. But, I dunno if it would be worse or better than being quick frozen and thawed. Still with enough blood (because this would literally be a bloodbath), it could be like melting in a vat of hot metal.

I was thinking maybe 50 to 100 on each side across all stories, timelines, and models. A real slaughter fest.

Pick whatever line/movie you believe had the best incarnation of each. Granted there won’t be 50 to 100 exclusively to that line, but they’ll be in there.

I will say that, in my mind, I’m leaving out HKs (hunter killers) and the like, and predator spaceships. But, whatever tech a bipedal terminator or predator can carry, they be packin’.

Some may say that 50 to 100 aliens may have no chance against that firepower. I say to you remember Starcraft and the zergling rush. d:

Huh. I’m still sticking with 50 to 100. But, it just occurred to me that if that if those numbers were increased to 1,000 to 2,000, aliens could prolly easily win.

that is assuming that the t-1000 would let them get that close.
You also have to take in to consideration that skynet wouldnt come out with something t-1000 version of the alien or t-1000 version of the preditor?

That is possible. I’m trying to limit this to what already exist instead of what Skynet can do if it had a week or month to improvise. Gotta give the aliens a shot somehow. d: How long do you think this battle would last out of curiosity? I’m thinking no longer than 48 hours. More likely 2 to 12 hours.

Besides, T-1000 specialize in stabbing and slashing weapons. Yes, they can extend themselves. But once their blades pierces flesh, acid touch their metal. The question becomes do they already possess capabilities to somehow adapt their structure to prevent corrosion and damage. I doubt it or the predators would have done that long time ago (maybe not to satisfy plot needs d: ).

depending on what the metal is that makes the t1000 it could last quite a while.
The alien blood is acidic yes, but how acidic is it to metal? If it did get into the circuitry then it could mess things up true.
But I am thinking skynet took measures for liquids getting into that part.
in any of the alien movies do they compare the blood to any earth know substance?
There are too many variables to say how long. What type of setting, how many people/creatures around, etc…
If you remember in t2 they have the same programming as the t800 reference this site for models ( ) then he would also be able to switch tactics. Basically anything Arnold can do he can do better! (except understand Hu-man emotions!)

Now put Sara/John Conner against one of them predators or aliens and that would be interesting!

Well if you consider that in Alien that acid easily bored through 3 decks of the ship. The chance that the T series would last long is debatable. In a swarm the Aliens would overflow the Terminators.

Now the Predators are a whole different issue. First the Aliens are their sport so in the end again unless swarmed give it to the Preds. As far as the T’s are concerned. Once Skynet realized the Preds were a threat. The T’s could easily go after them. What the Preds have in their favor though is better tech. An arrangement of weapons (mini shoulder particle cannon gotta luv that). Along with a very capable stealth cloaking device. In the End baring something gigantic, give it to the Preds any day.

Ppredators all the way. Terminators would be a tough “kill” but I think the Predators would consider it a battle drill before a real fight =)

Predators all the way!

Nuff said…

I’ll side on aliens why cause teminators and preditors can kill one alien but theres always a bunch more.

Still I want this movie like nowish.

Thanks for voting aliens. They needed some lovin’. They need killin’ more, but lovin’ too.

I’m 50/50 on wanting the movie. Could be good. Or, could be more AVP-ish.

If they own the cheesiness, I think it could be good. I imagine a ship full of Aliens crashes in some remote town. The Aliens facehug everybody there, making plenty of babies. The Predators come to do some hardcore hunting (and maybe they even crashed the ship), and in the future the Terminators realize that they’re on the verge of never being invented, so they send back an entire army to wipe out both the aliens and the predators before one or the other can obliterate the Earth.

Now that’s some B-movie cheese I can sink my teeth in to.

Just to point out, that the alien on terminator action.
The terminator, might find the face hugging distracting, but I really don’t think it would matter too much.
I think he would just pull it off of it’s face.:eek:
I think it might be skull raped a couple of times but I don’t think it would feel violated too much.

I also need to point out in the first alien, they needed a mech to get rid of the first one.

I’d argue that even a T-800 has the power of a mech from Aliens, but more agility.

I’m sure an alien could face hug a cyborg and impregnate a cyborg if given the chance, but the cyborg wouldn’t lose consciousness and could rip off the face hugger before impregnation. Failing that, I definitely think a chest burst would not kill a cyborg.

P.S. Wasn’t the first alien blown out of an airlock without a mech? The mech was for the second one. I don’t remember one in the first movie.

You would be correct sir. Ripley escapes in shuttle in Alien. Ripley with the Mech in Aliens.