"It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead. "
I have never seen any of the Alien movies only clips, but I did see AvP
Riply doesnt really do it for me.
I never thought she was hot.
You are allowed your incorrect opinion, but you should really watch at least Aliens. I wouldn’t bother with the other 3 but Aliens is one of the best sequels of all time. Interestingly, I think Terminator 2 is also in that category.
Predator 2? Not so much.
Tempted to make a frak for Alien/Aliens for crapface. (:
I believe the hotness of Ripley isn’t really the main point. She’s one of the first (long with Sarah Connor) women to get a lead role in a serious (emphasis added) sci fi/action movie. She kicked more butt better than a lot of guys up to that point.
IMHO, your statement is akin to saying, “Sarah (from Terminator 1) doesn’t really do it for me.
I never thought she could really kick butt.” d:
Edit: Changed my tone a bit to make it known I’m speaking more in tongue in cheek.
yeah but who wouldn’t be kind of an idiot to all that at the ages of 19-22.
In T2 she was more of “a warrior woman” to quote Alan Tudyk
In the Sara Connor Chronicles she definitely became a milf Lina headey I have always had a crush on since when I discovered her movies back in the late 90s.
Yes folk, I did de-evolve this conversation to who is hotter!:groucho:
Between Alien Ripley, a female Predator, and Cameron. Cameron definitely!
What have you done!!!?
James Cameron, he really doesn’t do it for me.
Semi-close, but Preds won. Interesting.
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