Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem 8/9 @ 10 PM ET

Sunday, August 9th, 2009
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific
(Calculate Time Zone)

“This Christmas there will be no peace on Earth.”

Howdy frakkers! Beginning at :15. :slight_smile:

And so it begins.

Guess I’m frakkin’ alone tonight. Le sigh. :frowning:

Stronger and smarter than the average xenomorph – never a good thing.

This movie is distinct from most, in that children are harmed onscreen. A lot of that is implied, but it’s further than even the worst horror movies are willing to go…

“At least now I know who ordered the sausage lovers.” :smiley:

Stocking up for a critter hunt! Yeehaw! :smiley:

Hey! It’s Sam from True Blood! I’d forgotten he was in this.

Speaking of which, how great was tonight’s episode?

I know! And how awesome is Godric? I think I’ve got a bit of a man-crush. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I know! Me too! :smiley:

The first rule of primitive alien world fight club is you do not talk about primitive alien world fight club. :slight_smile:

I wanted to just say hi but I don’t want to break your whole schizophrenia thing. So, hi guys!

We came. We saw. We kicked its sorryBarb!

This won’t turn out well. :frowning:

Now I’ve got to wonder if you’re real or just a figment of my imagination. :eek:

I hope you all enjoy it and I love you all

but no force on earth can get me to watch this movie again

danger will Robinson Danger

Hey! It’s Kelly from BSG!

Oh wait, never mind.

It was Kelly. :frowning:

It’s certainly not the best movie ever, but just ignoring almost all of the dialogue and generally pretending that the humans aren’t there greatly enhances the enjoyment. :stuck_out_tongue:

You know, the next time your kid tells you that she sees a monster and swears it’s real, maybe you’ll believe her.

On second thot, I guess there won’t be a next time. Never mind. :slight_smile:

“One weekend a month, they said. Nobody ever said nothin’ 'bout no mother Vulcan alien monsters!” :eek:

This movie opened on Christmas day. I’ve got to think the theaters strongly resembled this thread… except you’ve probably got more people here.

I have to run. Have fun Badger! You too, Badger!