Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem 8/9 @ 10 PM ET

So that’s where babies come from! eww…

It’s really kind of a shame too. For all its flaws, this movie contributes significantly to both the Alien and Predator mythologies. The film is pretty much a crapfest otherwise, but this is still some solid sci-fi.

Good night! :slight_smile:

Love the Predator’s whip.

Clash of the Titans! Hooray!

There can be only one!

[spoiler](barring a thermonuclear detonation, of course) :p[/spoiler]

How fortunate that the helicopter was able to outrun a nuclear blast.

They just don’t make 'em like they used to.

Hello, Miss Yutani. You and Mr. Weyland really need to meet.

I bet the fine people at Cyberdyne Systems would love to introduce you. :slight_smile:

Interesting trivia about the Predator in this movie:

The Big Bad Wolf: “Basically you’re following this one Predator — the star of this movie,” Greg said of the hunter in pursuit. Added Colin, “We call him the Wolf internally because basically he’s Harvey Keitel from ‘Pulp Fiction.’ He’s the cleaner. He shows up and he’s not there for the trophies. … If anybody gets in his way, he’ll just cut 'em in half.”

from MTV

Oh no! Sorry I missed this. It’s a long story that involves a bottle of Scotch which some moments later turned into an empty bottle of Scotch. A walk through a cemetary and…I keed you not… being chased by an ice cream truck.

Imma watch this and post me thots, later. Much later. Right now, I seriously need my pillow.

Ooh, a magic show! Do it again! Do it again! :slight_smile:

A walk through a cemetary and…I keed you not… being chased by an ice cream truck.




Imma watch this and post me thots, later. Much later. Right now, I seriously need my pillow.

Rest ye well, Scotchy McGee.

I wanna hear the ice cream truck story!

So, as I said I was walking through a cemetary. At the end of my journey there was a fence. I climbed the fence and landed safely on the other side. Parked on the side of the road where I landed was an ice cream truck. In the ice cream truck was Mr. Neighborhood Watch (or at least that’s what he thot he was). He started asking all these accusational questions which I didn’t respond to. I just walked away. He followed me. This kinda pissed me off. So I turned to him and exchanged some choice words. He went back to his truck. I got concerned since I wasn’t sure what he was doing. So I ran.

He started up the truck and followed me. Obviously, he being in a truck and me being on foot, he caught up to me. When I looked over he was on a his cell phone. So I decided to give a little policeing myself and said, “You know. It’s against the law to drive and use your cell phone.” There was a red stoplight so I ran in front of the ice truck and head in the opposite direction. I ducked into an alley to catch my breathe.

When I realized the coast was clear I decided to take the long way home, just in case this John Wayne character was following me. In the end, I understood the guy’s concern but I wasn’t doing anything and he was treating me like I was Al-Qaeda. I didn’t like his threatening comments. He didn’t show a badge or anything, so I was just like, “Who the frak do you think you are?” Yeah, I know. I shouldn’t have been in the cemetary to begin with but the dead…they didn’t complain.

Guy, sounds like a total asshat.

Now, don’t mean to be-little the ice cream truck part of the story, but you know me. I want to hear the bottle of Scotch part of the story.

I play softball on Sunday nights. Yesterday was our playoff game. I play the outfield and I misjudged a flyball. Since the fields are not on par with the major leagues there are a few divets and bumps. While I was back-peddling I lost my balance and wound up landing on my back bouncing my head on the ground a few times. It kinda knocked me out and I saw stars. I sat out the rest of the game but was able to return for games 2 and 3.

Anyway, we were knocked out of the playoffs so we decided to celebrate the season at a local bar. This is where the Scotch comes into the story. Bottle opened. Before night over. Bottle empty. Pretty simple, really.

Good. As long as the story ends with empty bottle of scotch, and doesn’t begin with it. I know you only drink it for medicinal purposes, as do it.:wink:

Storytime with 'Talos is always a treat. :slight_smile:

So, um, why were you in the cemetery in the first place? Or don’t I want to know?


Normally I don’t go that way but it’s the only place in town where if I bump into someone I used to know, the weight I’ve put on is not the first question topic.

Obviously, if you run into anyone you used to know, the first topic of conversation will probably be braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaainnnnnnnnnnnnsssssss… :stuck_out_tongue:

The third Aliens Vs. Predator movie would have served as a prequel to Alien

Ridley Scott is hard at work creating two prequels to his 1979 classic Alien. But if the Brothers Strause’s plans had materialized, their second Aliens Vs. Predator movie would have been an Alien prequel. They told us what they’d planned.