Activity Suggestion for Saturday (March 19) afternoon...

Saturday morning just got really interesting…wonder how that costume will go over at the tat shop?! Bwahahahaha!

I’ll be in the lobby early…camera ready. :smiley:

well seen in all its full glory like that, i dunno if i can pul it off… hmmmmmm

After consulting reality and JuanDrew, I realized that going to a movie after the museum but before dinner Saturday is probably packing the schedule far too tightly.

Of course veryone’s free to do whatever, but let’s say that officially the cultural outing will end after the museum, and that way everyone can choose what to do before dinner.

Nobody can pull this of. Do you really care to prove me wrong? And if you do dress like that I’m afraid the Hotel will call the police thinking we have a weird kinky party. :wink:

unpacks Zardoz costume

I was reading my information packet ( Thanks Juan) and all of a sudden it hit me, 75% of the activities are eating, drinking, hanging!!!
Isn’t it great! :smiley:
On the other hand, one of the activities is getting tattooed, I just need to make sure I don’t drink to much and come back to Canada with a full face tattoo of Darth Maul and a shaved head…:eek:

Please guys make sure that does not happen! :wink:

Too late, dude. Now you’ve given them the idea…

10 Frakkin’ Days!

8 days for me, i is there thursday and in europeland, it’s officially been wed for 4 minutes :stuck_out_tongue:
on the “trying out my new sig, can i have a longer quotespace please?” ID