Activity Suggestion for Saturday (March 19) afternoon...

I Was chatting with default prophet last night via the wonders of skype.
I Suggested (since I have the region 1 dvd anyways) Dr horrible’s sing along blog, it’s only 45 mins long we can squeeze it in at some point.
Then much to my shock (and his shame) he confessed.
he hasn’t seen it
on the “off to be weighed and judged soon, wish me luck peeps, I feel I’ve been baaaaad this week” ID

Uh…no you weren’t buddy lol

i too have not lain my eyes on a copy of dr horrible…

hangs head in shame


I know all the words, it’s the sentences that confound me.

hahahaha tru tru and im still working my way thru the 2nd season of chuck… im trying… hope 2 be all caught up by the meetup

humblest apologies, his real name is James, It was late, I Was drunk etc etc.
I’m forgetful of this gentle giant’s forum name but we chatted for about an hour last night from around 8pm - 9pm EST.
Apologies DP, didn’t mean to impinge upon your rep in any way.
on the “I understand Audra has a copy of the werewolf card game, I have an excellent werewolf mask, anyone fancy playing werewolf with someone dressed as one?” ID

In any event:

I think a viewing of Dr Horrible is an excellent idea! Perhaps we can get the meeting/podcast room at the hotel for it if we’re nice enough to the hotel staff. :smiley:

<----- concur.




“Psh DP you just trying to throw us off, you’re the werewolf /killed within 5 rounds every game ever”

i thinkn my housemate thinks i’m distrubed now.
I just spent literally 2 mins laghing loudly at DPs comment, thanks man, I have a windows xp exam in the morning and now i’m relaxed enough to sleep.

kk so will birng werewolf mask, gloves and dr horrible region one dvd.
on the “now watching leverage season one finalé it rocketh” ID

Last year I wasn’t a werewolf once but these mother frakkers picked me every damn time

That would be me.

That’s why I kept nominating myself. I didn’t get lynched till the end. Nobody believes it’s you when you nominate yourself.

So I haven’t caught the latest cast, but an informant tells me TATTOOS!! I am SO F’n down. I want th GWC logo on my left shoulder. I am gonna try to start a thread about it, but thought i would start here.

I’d like to catch up with y’all at some point Saturday :smiley: unfortunatly a big con in Dallas is happening that same weekend that i’m already obligated to be at (my 501st group runs it) plus i have to bodypaint some hot girls saturday night for the parties

but i’d really like to catch up sometime… is there a schedule of events planned yet (Sean??) Probably have Sat and Sun mornings (till 11am or so) free if there is a group breakfast/brunch or anything going on

i might even be convinced to bring R2 with me for those of you that might want to see him in person

You know if you’d rather hang with GWCers I could totally paint hot chicks for you, just saying

You’re such a giver, DP :wink:

That’s what she said baby :wink:

Oh snap!

If we do a Dr. Horrible viewing, I will pack my Dr. Horrible costume. It’d even be a great excuse to finally build a Freeze Ray!

Bring it anyway! Friday night’s podcast is costume-encouraged! :slight_smile: