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If you just can’t wait to watch it all, Amazon.com has Season 5 available for downloading in HD for $0.99 an episode. Which isn’t a bad price at all compared to most other recently aired shows.

Ooh good option. If it gets down to crunch time and the DVDs aren’t coming fast enough, I’ll spring for that. Thanks! I’m interested to see the new Doctor! I will meet him tonight :slight_smile:

Was there a movie between Season 5 and 6? If not, I’m finally caught up through Season 5. Now just have to wait for 6 on Netflix. :slight_smile:

Have you seen the Christmas Special? :slight_smile:

Was it with the 11th Doctor?

Yes, it was a adaptation of the Christmas Story with Dumbledore. (Sorry, the actor’s name escapes me at the moment.)

EDIT: Gambone!!! I knew that was going to happen

Then no I haven’t. I’ll look and see if it’s on Netflix. If it’s not then maybe it will show up with Season 6 when it’s on there.

If you just can’t wait, I would try Amazon instant video. They have the X-mas special and all of S6 up to The Rebel Flesh the last time I checked.