About The Doctor Who Forum

me too, and i mean that in the straightest way possible…

who’s got a man crush on captain jack

<--------this guy :slight_smile:

Oh me too. The actor is right up there with Jamie (which is saying something since I am a Bunny). And I love the interaction between [spoiler]Jack and Ianto, especially during Season 2[/spoiler]
put behind spoiler tags to protect those who haven’t seen the whole series

Are you talking about Suzie - the one that used the glove? - if so have you seen Rome - she played Niobe, or she was in 3 Lbs and was in the season premiere of Bones this year.

Yes! Niobe from Rome, of course. Thank you! See looked SO familiar that I knew I’d seen her somewhere as an on-going character. HBO’s Rome was awesome by the way.

I love DW and can’t believe that David Tennant is leaving. Sob, sob. I watched Ruby in the Smoke, and Matt Smith had a small part. He did okay, I am waiting for Shadow in the North. I think he has a larger part in it, so I am hoping I can get some idea of his acting.

And I will just say that if there is a rewatch, count me in. I love this show, and Blink is also my favorite episode. I am hoping that Steven Moffat is as good a show runner as Russell Davies, and since he wrote Blink, I am hopeful.

Steven Moffat has done 6 episodes and all 6 are amazing. Blink might be the best, but “Girl in the Fireplace” is running a close second.
“Silence in the Library & Forest of the Dead”, two part story, was also a great story.

I think a re-watch would be a great idea.

EEEVVVVEEERRRR. You’re not kidding. I don’t think I’ve ever been creeped out by something on TV (movies are different) like that before. The brilliant thing is that, in this age of horror movies with over-the-top blood and guts like Hostel, there is absolutely no blood/guts in this episode… and it’s just as scary.

I was never interested in Doctor Who before, being a Trekker… This was the first episode I ever saw of Doctor Who; I caught it in reruns during a Skiffy marathon… and immediately had to find all the ones I missed. This one won a Hugo, I think.

A Dr. Who thread. I love this forum.

Similar to Battlestar Galactica, I got on board Dr. Who just in time to see the end of the 10th Dr.

It’s very different to jump on at the last minute, downloading past episodes and experiencing the entire David Tennant era in 2 months vs 4 years.

I’m not an old time Dr. Who fan; just peripherally aware of it’s existence. Caught onto it while cruising through Comcast On Demand. I’m thankful I didn’t have to wait to see all the episodes in ‘real time’.

And thankful as well your forum has a thread. I look forward to reading your opinions just as I did for BG.

I’m adding my thanks to the list. :slight_smile: The scope of Doctor Who fans continues to amaze me.

I’ve been a Who fan all my life. People who don’t like Who just don’t get it… If you’ve watched the development of the Doctor from the crotchety William Hartnell to the annoyingly flippant Colin Baker and beyond, then you really get a sense of what British society was like over the years. And you have to remind yourself that it was (and continues to be) a show designed for children (albeit, these days, mature children).

It’ll take me awhile to learn how to subscribe properly. And everything else.
So what does “Alpaca” mean? I keep seeing it under people’s Avatars…

As an all new DW fan I have to say that I don’t think the actual version is written with children in mind but more for the grown children of the older version. I see the element but most of the subject are treated with a grown up point of view. Of course I see the design and all but it’s now part of a great style.

Anyway, LOVE the show and I’m still in the early Tennant episode so way more good stuff on the way.

You can find out in the FAQ. :wink:

Ahh, I’m just starting the journey through Dr. Who. Just finished Season 1 Episode 1. :smiley:

Congratulations! I’m kind of jealous. Doctor Who is a great show and you have a rollicking, fun journey in front of you.

Yeah, I’m finding that to be true. Now I know how it feels to be on the side of getting to watch something while everyone else already knows how awesome it is. Usually it’s me being jealous of all the newbies to BSG or me introducing my friends to… well, anything really.

I’ve made it through ep 6 and wish I had a lot more time to spend just watching the Doctor :smiley:

I’m a long-time listener to the 'cast (like since #1) and was a caller-in (Amy from Berkeley), but this forum is the first thing that has made me want to post here!
I love Dr. Who and can’t wait for 4/23. Will try not to spoil for you people catching up, but check it on Netflix Watch Instantly - faster than waiting for DVDs to arrive!

Welcome aboard, Eowynnabe. (Is that Welsh?)

I completely agree about Netflix. I’m up to series 5 though which is unfortunately not on instant watch. Waiting for the DVDs is hard to do! Especially when I’m trying to catch up so that I’m ready for the new series.

I’m also new to Who. The fiancee loves it and convinced me to watch and I’ve finally had time to get down to business. Blew through S1 and am starting S2 now. AWESOME.

Funny enough, I mentioned this to my mom tonight and she said, “I love Doctor Who!” She is not a nerd. I got all the nerd from Bubba the Sperm Donor. But look, it’s some pop culture we can bond over. Hooray! Plus, David Tennant is totally my mom’s type.