I am way behind the rest of you, just now getting to disc 3 of the season 1 DVD set. And every time I open the set and see Cersei Lannister’s face I want to scream “CUNT!”… ahem… sorry…
So far only two disappointments:
The Eyre. It has been quite awhile since I read the book but I could have sworn that the only ‘practical’ way up to the Eyre was by a series of primitive cable cars. Those were not present. Instead there was a narrow road leading up to the castle. Now upon reflection I can see why they removed them, the technology might have seemed rather out of place… But they kept the ‘elevator’ at the wall. So why not the cable cars? The cable cars are what made any attempted assault nearly impossible…
The crowning. Happened way too fast and spontaneously. You cannot melt gold over a small campfire… Nor could Ronin have lifted the pot by the handles like that without heavy gloves (if indeed they had actually smelted the gold) to pour it over the asshole’s head. The princes hair should have caught fire immediately upon contact… The event should have been planned out after the dirtbag’s acting out. Staged the following morning with far more witnesses and flourish, make the prince think he was getting a ‘real’ crown and then pull back the drapes to reveal a small foundry with the molten gold ready to go.
Minor gripes. So far everything else has been excellent.