A compliation of Trek podcast arc suggestions

I figured since we have separate threads for movies vs. DS9 vs. I don’t even know what, it might be good to have one central one to respond to the call of podcast #120… suggestions for how to do it!

I have a few as a place to start:
[li]A “greatest hit” arc based around characters (i.e., a Picard arc, a Major Kira arc, etc)[/li][li]Klingon arc, or a Romulan arc, or a Bajoran arc, etc (based around storylines related to those non-human cultures)[/li][li]Trinity and listener favorite episodes[/li][li]Historical arcs (thinking of mostly DS9 stuff, best example being the 1940s scifi writers episode)[/li][li]Arc of family episodes (like the Worf/Alexander relationship, Sisko/Jake, etc)[/li][/ol]

Are there other ideas out there? Well, I’m sure there are, so people should get them out here.

How about Star Trek movies 2-4 and 6? Me (lifetime Treker) and my friend who had never seen Star Trek before enjoyed that rewatch.

I’ve suggested in the DS9 thread for a Dukat Arc.

I am also extremely fond of the Sisko/Jake arc, but there aren’t that many of them. The Visitor is a must see of father/son stories tho.

But the thing about Star Trek arcs is that they are usually spread over a couple of seasons. It is difficult for people to find get the seasons to just watch 1 or 2 from them. But, it’d be cool if we have one. Doesn’t matter it’s the movies TNG or DS9.

Any TNG included must include Locutus.


nobody ever listens to me T_T

The Voyager finale… where Future Janeway battles the Borg and sacrifices herself…so heroic…sigh… :cool:

Okay, I posted this in the TNG Chatter thread in the Star Trek section, but I figured I’d suggest it here, too, since this is really the proper place (where’s Solai to fix my post-placement errors when I need him? ;)).

I remember before the series finale of TNG aired, they played a countdown of the top #5 fan favorite episodes. As I recall, they were “The Inner Light”, “Relics”, “Yesterday’s Enterprise”, and “The Best of Both Worlds, Parts 1 & 2” (yeah, kind of not fair that BoBW sucked up two slots, but there ya go). Maybe these would be a good place to start for an arc?

How I would split up Trek is one episode Original Trek and next Gen, one the other series ( DS9, Voyager, Enterprise) then the last one for movies and culture influences.

Well, Emilyfromohio could probably pull that off, but not us mortals. :wink:

I would humbly like to suggest a Wesley Crusher arc.

Before you protest… this arc should feature the best of the worst Wesley moments:

  1. That episode where Q gives Riker powers and Wesley gets stabbed through the gut by weird boar-like bipedal aliens
  2. that episode where Wesley goes away forever

Best Wesley Crusher arc ever.

Any DS9 related arc must have “In The Pale Moonlight”. Garak at his finest.

How about a podcast for each series:
The Original
Next Gen

Thinking about though, I can see how it might be difficult to get a hold of various episodes.

Wanted to post here from the perspective of a non-Trek person. I have watched all the episodes from the original series and caught a random NG here and there. If we do a “best of” arc, I would ask that the chosen episodes be played in correct chronological order, to help those of us who don’t know the complete canon have an easier time of things. I’d also like a lot of advance notice so I can order the right discs to view from Blockbuster.

If anyone wants to suggest a good, quick way to get info on ST for a lay person, please PM me or post something. I’m not in a position to watch the entire series from start to finish right now, but plan to someday.

Memory Alpha is the Star Trek Wiki. You can find anything Trek there.


Now onto episodes, here is a list of “cream of the crop” episodes from each series. These are Trek at its best; terrific performances, excellent writing, and wonderful story-telling. They are stand-alones, so you’ll need minor series knowledge.

TNG: Inner Light
DS9: Duet
Voyager: Timeless
Enterprise: The Andorian Incident

There are also plenty of two-parter episodes, which are basically TV movies. Some enhance the series and characters. Some are just bollocks.

At this point in time, approaching Trekdom is daunting. There are over 700 episodes and 10 feature films. So tread lightly. Don’t be afraid to ask for help along the way.

Thanks for posting some baby steps to take. I’m looking forward to viewing those episodes.

I dont know if they count as “arcs” but the premieres and finales of each series? Id love to hear talk about the change between how the characters come off during their first introduction and their final goodbye.

How about a Captains arc. It would be interesting to discuss the differences/similarities between Archer, Kirk, Picard, Sisko and Janeway. (and it would make for a great Hair Report by Audra) Which episodes/movies would best represent each of the captains? I also agree that ST 2,3 and 4 could be viewed as a great trilogy to explore (though ST 6 is still my favorite to this day)

I like this idea.

Hmm. Could we get Capt. Pike in there? He had a heck of a head of hair, after all.

How about an ‘in love’ arc.

From TOS: where Kirk touches that woman’s tears and then the episode; where McCoy has that fatal disease and falls in love; where Spock gets shot by the flower.

From TNG: where Data gets a girlfriend; Jordy and Eva Braun (?); Wesley Crusher and the shapeshifter; Worf and the Emmissary; Worf and Troi; the one where Picard virtually lives an entire life on a doomed planet.

Welcome to the Forum, Reydaman!!

I’ve never even thought of that but you are so right. There are a bunch of romance episodes. We could call it, Hookin’ up on Trek. ‘His Way’ on DS9 when Odo and Kira hook up. ‘Human Error’ on Voyager with Seven and Chakotay. ‘Sim’ when Trip as a clone expresses his love for T’pol.