A compliation of Trek podcast arc suggestions

Ooo! Ooo! “Mirror Universe” episodes!

Did TNG and Voyager do one? I know the others did.

This is such a good idea. I’d love to see this.

I also love this idea.

They have come out with some plot arc compilations with episodes from each series with a common theme (like Time Travel, Klingons, Borg). Maybe pick some episodes from one of those and do a podcast on each of them (or one for each disc).

What about a Star Trek Maquis arc? :stuck_out_tongue: just with TNG and DS9, or just TNG, or just DS9. I thought the creation of the Maquis brought a lot of depth to the world of Federation.

And if we do the DS9 Maquis arc, we get to see Kira getting shot over and over again, because appearently for any Maquis plan to work, step one is to shoot Kira.

resuscitating… because having now seen “In a mirror, darkly,” I think a mirror universe episode arc would be really, really good :slight_smile:

In a mirror darkly (I and II) were great Enterprise episodes.

So we’ve got mirror universe episodes in TOS, DS9 and ENT.

To satisfy the lack of mirror universe episodes in TNG, here’s a great book:
(Diane Duane one the best Star Trek novelists by the way.

Was there ever any forays into the Mirror Universe from Voyager?

I’m gonna say I’m 99 percent sure there weren’t.

But there’s probably been ST VOY novels (or crossover novels) that were set in the mirror universe.

I don’t remember any - I think the closest we got were the episodes where there was some funky time stuff involved, but never straight out Mirror Universe. According to Memory Alpha, the mirror universe episodes are:

TOS: Mirror Mirror

DS9: Crossover; Through the Looking Glass; Shattered Mirror; Resurrection; The Emperor’s New Cloak

ENT: In a Mirror, Darkly I and II

There is a collection of Mirror Universe novels spanning all the series and the EU crew of New Frontier. The story that focuses on Voyager is called ‘The Mirror-Scaled Serpent’ in the novel: Obsidian Alliances.

Yeah. The closest I remember was ‘Living Witness’ where the Kyrian museum depicted the Voyager crew as savages.

Shatner’s mirror universe novels also dealt with some of the Voyager crew.

Sort of. Wasn’t the USS Voyager a duplicate created by the Cardassians or something to trick Picard? It wasn’t really the Voyager. facepalm How could I forget about Emperor Tiberius!!?!!