6.12 - Everybody Loves Hugo

Wow. That was… unexpected.

Poor Ilana. We barely knew you. Should have asked Doc Arzt about that dynamite.

Poor Desmond. I wonder if he knew that was about to happen?

Hurley finally got his kiss from Libby.

So Hurley wasn’t in the institution in the LA 'verse but Libby still was. And apparently she is there because she can see the other universe. Interesting.

Desmond pushed Hurley into seeing the other 'verse by convincing him to track down Libby. Then he runs over Locke. Does he have to get Locke away from Helen in this universe? Or was that revenge for the other “Locke” pushing him down a well?

Hurley, after all you did to get Richard to stay on your side you promptly reject him and switch to team “Locke”? I don’t get it. Or do you have a plan?

I’ll have my full analysis later…

The Illana bit was awesome. We were howling. On the island, consequences for casual disregard of safety are often quick.

I wonder if Desmond running over Locke has more to do with getting him to have some sort of transformative near-death experience.

Of course, if the auto accident just HAPPENS to somehow give him back the ability to walk because he ends up on Jack’s operating table, that would be entertaining too.

I was totally shocked when Ilana 'sploded. I mean, we and “the candidates” were putting so much stock in her leading the way for the Jacobites, and then she was gone. I really would have liked some backstory, some explanation as to why we first saw her covered in bandages, but oh well. Is it really like Ben said, that the Island was done with her? Because Christian told Michael the Island was done with him but he’s still stuck there.

Aw, Hurley and Libby – that was so sweet! The picnic on the beach, the kiss and then the memories. It’s a shame that some 815ers can get a gentle nudge into the AU, but others have to be run over by a well-dressed Scotsman. Poor Locke.

It really feels like urgent, forward momentum now. But if they keep putting off the Jin/Sun reunion any longer, I’m not gonna’ be happy. And Desmond down a well? Nooo!! Maybe he’ll get an amazing technicolor Dharma coat.

D’oh, forgot about the kid they saw in the jungle. Not blond, so not the same kid that told Faucke that he couldn’t kill “him.” Young version of Esau, maybe? And who else has been able to see them–just Desmond? Can’t remember if Richard or Sawyer saw them.

I was wondering also if running over locke was revenge for what smocke did in the islandverse.

How about Ilana blowing up like Wiley E. Coyote. I feel awful but I started laughing when she was jamming crap into the bag because it was pretty obvious what was coming next. So long beautiful Ilana, parts of you will be missed, and apparently missing.

I wonder if Widmores mission for Desmond was actually in the side verse and not on the island. Why, though, didn’t Smocke just smokeup and kill him??? Maybe smokey can’t kill you if you’re not afraid. Like Mr. Ecko who stared it down way back when.

Cool. I hadn’t thought of the Jack/Hospital angle. wouldn’t it suck if sideverse Locke’s life had to be total shit like deadlocke’s life was for him to flash to???

So what’s at the bottom of the well? A different lever/shipswheel that does something big like the one that moved the island?

I suspect Smokey didn’t just chuck him down the hole because he was piqued, no, Desmond’s ability to survive large magnetic events is needed. This is a spot that messes up compasses, after all, so there’s a big magnetic broohahahaha going on down at the bottom.

“Hell yeah I can see him”
So who do you believe of these two would have said this to Flocke?:wink:

^ Heh. The same one that uses “Son of a bitch!” as an exclamation/expression of anger/term of endearment?

Most likely :smiley:

Does anyone else buy into the “Slugworth” theory of MIB, that like the character in Willy Wonka MIB seems to be evil but is actually working with Jacob? I don’t buy it because there have been too many scenes of them alone hating on each other but it is an intriguing idea.

Hmm… I am intrigued by your theory with the Wonka connection. I figured the music from Wonka was there to just creep me out (which it did) but Slugworth, that’s a good idea.

Okay- the reveal of my big revelation- I think the folks in the Beta verse will save the folks on the island. We are gonna get real Locke back, now that Desmond ran him over and he’s flashed about the other verse. Real Locke is gonna battle MIB. That’s my prediction and you saw it here first!

I like it. I hope John Locke plays a big part in the out come, whatever it may be. We Haven’t been deprived of Terry O’quinn’s great acting, but I miss the character of John Locke.

I don’t think that Desmond was blind sided. He seemed to follow “Locke” willingly and knowingly, and when he asks what there was to be afraid of, it wasn’t from ignorance.
I remember the conversation he had with the monk, I went back and found it. From Catch-22:

DESMOND: Moriah. I find the name the brothers have chosen for the wine made here, interesting.

MONK: And why is that brother?

DESMOND: Well Moriah’s the mountain where Abraham was asked to kill Isaac. Its not exactly the most, festive locale is it.

MONK: And yet God spared Isaac.

DESMOND: Well one might argue then, God may not have asked Abraham to sacrifice his son in the first place.

MONK: Well then it wouldn’t have been much of a test, would it brother? Perhaps you underestimate the value of sacrifice.

I think Desmond sacrificed himself. Why, or to what end, I don’t know.
I have no idea where this is going…there’s really know way of knowing…which way the rivers flowing…

Desmond lives! I’m sure of it, his story isn’t done yet. His specialty is surviving big electromagnetic events. There’s a magnetic field at the base of the well, so he’s got something to do.

Ilana. Nooooooooo! Her and Caesar are like Nikki and Paulo done right :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmmm. Jack is at the hospital. Claire is at the hospital (presumably Aaron is on his way there too). Sun and Jin are headed for the hospital. Locke is going to the hospital (presumably). Sawyer, Miles and Kate were just in a car accident (and possibly procedure says that they need to be checked out…at a hospital).

Hurley is on a beach. WTF?! A Beach?!

Prediction: Crazy Sideways Desmond gets everyone to the hospital and Crazy Sideways Daniel blows the darned thing up. But not Hugo. Everybody Loves Hugo.

P.S. Wonka = Creepy. That is all

P.P.S. In the denouement Sayid will suddenly appear and try to kill Hurley who will defeat him with a steaming hot pocket to the face

They have the CAT scanner at the hospital. I wonder if a motivated Daniel Faraday could make the CAT scanner do something interesting involving magnetic fields and weakened walls between universes…

My recap and analysis of the latest episode

I just wanted to say how much i love you guys. I can always count on my fellow GWC’ers to put forth intelligent, insightful thots on all my fav shows, but especially LOST which is the most insane, confusing, WTF show I’ve ever seen.:smiley:

So I’m rewatching the episode just now and just noticed something I didn’t pick up on the first time. Dr. Chang looks to be exactly as old in the 2004 flash-sideways scene as he was in the 1977 original timeline scene. How is this possible without time travel being involved or Jacob making him immortal like he did to Richard?

Hmmmm, interesting catch. It looks like that he has gotten some gray hair, so maybe they tried to get him look older, but didn’t really succeed.

Yeah, I’m going with production oversight on that one instead of anything significant. Sort of like how Desmond was wearing a wedding ring in the first episode this season. (TPTB said in the official podcast that it was Cusak’s own wedding ring and no one thought to tell him to take it off)