Great spotlight episode for Richard! From that hysterical giggle when Ilana asked what to do next to the moment he put Isabella’s cross around his neck, I was absolutely riveted by Carbonell. And sheesh, why don’t we heap all the sorrows of the world on Nestor? Evil Lost writers. Thanks for giving me another 'ship other than Penny/Desmond and Sayid/Nadia that breaks me down in sobs.
So now we know how the Tawaret Statue got all broken. We have the Hanso connection to the Island established. We heard MiB give the exact same instructions to Richard as Dogen gave to Sayid. Hurley can talk to dead people that he’s never even met. And I still have no reason to trust either Jacob or Esau if anyone that winds up on the Island is no more than a subject in their social experiment.
Given what we saw in the lighthouse, I always thought Jacob was looking for someone in particular when he called the ships/planes/whatever to the Island. But maybe not.
Yeah, yeah, we know it’s not Hell or Purgatory. So what is it?!?