6.09 "Ab Aeterno"

Exactly! An ‘agent’ of Jacob because he can’t show himself.

Of course, the conversations go differently:
Q: “What do you want?”
Q: “Eh, anything else?”
A: “How about… oddly timed supply drops with tubs of ranch dressing?”

If you still hold producers accountable for what they said in the past, just look at “how the frak the Oceanic 815 survivors were still alive without barely a scratch”. What science or pseudoscience could explain that?! LOST hast been a drama/fantasy/science fiction series from the very start, so I’ve thrown Darlton’s statement away a long time ago and just enjoy the series and especially the last episodes.
Of course it is controversial and when the series ends, I expect at least half the people will be disappointed of it, due to their expectations of what the essence of LOST should have been in their own opinion.
It’s like the Prequel problem in Star Wars. All the OT fans had some thot of what the backstory of Anakin, Obi-Wan etc. were and when the story got told it wasn’t corresponding.
I’m agreeing to Jay and Jack’s policy, to just lean back and have fun watching the story that is being told.

Ohhh, that was so nice and I have nothing to add, besides every time I hear Richard’s giggle, it cracks me up.:smiley:

He was the only one slave left. Dunno if Smokey scanned the ships crew as well, but Richard seemed the be best suited to be manipulated into killing Jacob. I wonder if that was the first time, MIB tried to use somebody of Jacob’s brought people to kill Jacob.

Hmm, I like that theory, that it is like the mythological Atlas story. Getting somebody else to do the deeds of in this case, keeping malevolence at bay vis-a-vis trying to get off the Island.

The discussion between the fans is what makes this series that special. Of course I also expect some answers, although they should left us some ambiguity after the series, so that we’ll still have some thing to ponder our minds about.

After watching it again:

Loooved Michael Giacchino’s score, especially the historic Richard Alpert theme.
Thot that it’s great having the backstory played out mostly in Espagnol so that not every dialog is bound to English. Reminded me of the Sun/Jin flashbacks.
And again we got to see that every time somebody gets to or leaves the Island on Ship/submarine or Helicopter, it’s raining cats and dogs. The only time the sky was clear was when Oceanic 815 crashed. Dunno about the Ajira flight cause it was dark out side before the plane “jumped” into daylight on the Island.

Jorge Garcia and his girlfriend had Nestor Carbonell on their latest podcast to discuss Ab Aeterno, so I strongly recommend you to give it a listen.

Nestor’s on the toilet.:smiley:

I love Geronimo jacks beard, especially the logo:

It’s interesting to hear Jorge’s thoughts on the script many months ago, and then on the episodes as they aired.

The ODI’s got an Interview with Damon Lindelof
He discusses the series finale including the title.

I love GJB as well. I admire Sidekick42’s obsession with the show and how she seems to always be reminding Jorge about minute details from previous seasons.

Regarding the title of the finale (which isn’t very spoilery but I’ll put in tags for spoilerphobes):
I love how utterly vague and non-spoilery it is :slight_smile:

The fun part about the whole show for me is I was stationed at Pearl Harbor for 3 years, just left last year. So I get to play the OHHH I KNOW WHERE THATS AT GAME, when they are doing scenes around town.

The series finale title is perfect. Its gotta be the least spoilerish name for an episode ever, including the ones that dont make sense like “Eggtown”

We know what that is?

Per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Lost_episodes#Season_6:_2010 the title of the last episode is:
[spoiler]The End[/spoiler]


[spoiler]I still like ‘Found’.[/spoiler]

Totally, that, or ‘Pilot’! :smiley:

HAHAHA, priceless!:smiley: