6.01/6.02 "LA X, Part 1 and 2"

It’s been a while. That recap special was actually very helpful. Although it didn’t mention Penny at all. What, just 'cause she’s on another show now?

Um, okay, let me get this straight…We now have two realities running at the same time: Oceanic Flight 815 landing safely at LAX in 2004 (with the Island at the bottom of the sea), and everyone on the Island at the same time in 2007 post-Jacob death. Wow.

Thanks, ABC, for subjecting me to Juliet’s death over and over. I was gonna’ be really upset with Darlton if Sayid died, but at least he’s conscious now. Is Jacob’s spirit in his body now? We’ve seen that Locke and Smokey are one and the same. “I’m sorry you had to see me like that”–hee. And nice way to subvert the ash circle by just making a rock knock the guy aside.

With Christian and Desmond disappearing from the 815 flight, does that mean they were meant to be on the Island? Like the Oceanic 6 folks disappeared from the Ajira flight.

Oh, my brain hurts but I like it.

Three words: NOT PENNY’S RECAP.

Um, okay, let me get this straight…We now have two realities running at the same time: Oceanic Flight 815 landing safely at LAX in 2004 (with the Island at the bottom of the sea), and everyone on the Island at the same time in 2007 post-Jacob death. Wow.

Although people are calling the alt timeline scenes “flash-sideways”, technically they’d be more diagonal since they’re taking places in different years and in different timelines. One theory I’ve heard is that the Incident didn’t actually cause the new timeline but that something the primary timeline Losties do sinks the Island, saves the day, keeps 815 from crashing meaning that the alt timeline is more of an epilogue to the show that were seeing concurrently to the last season. Cool eh?

Thanks, ABC, for subjecting me to Juliet’s death over and over. I was gonna’ be really upset with Darlton if Sayid died, but at least he’s conscious now. Is Jacob’s spirit in his body now? We’ve seen that Locke and Smokey are one and the same. “I’m sorry you had to see me like that”–hee. And nice way to subvert the ash circle by just making a rock knock the guy aside.

With Christian and Desmond disappearing from the 815 flight, does that mean they were meant to be on the Island? Like the Oceanic 6 folks disappeared from the Ajira flight.

Oh, my brain hurts but I like it.

I’m wondering why Jacobghost sent them to Smokey’s hideout to fix Sayid. Will it be something he uses against his nemesis? Or does he think Smokey will fix him?

The alternate timeline: Why did Jack have the bloodstain? Was that some sort of thaumatological injury that represents in a small way a physical connection he has to Jack back on the island? I didn’t notice if there was a corresponding wound on him, but I didn’t think of this until this morning.

Jacobghost did send Hurley and Sayid to the temple and the Others (and not so much Smokey, who is notLocke and his ‘nemesis’) an hour after he was killed - perhaps he wanted to ‘use’ Sayid’s body (After all, Lennon and Japanese dude there did drown Sayid, or so it seems. Technically, Sayid was dead for just a little while, if ‘dead’ is the right word for it). I think it would be interesting if predictable if Sayid did end up being notSayid a la notLocke.

Huh, that is a good point. Jack’s cut could most definitely be a physical result of the reset/split timelines. Mostly I’m still wondering why DESMOND is on the PLANE, on top of all the other ‘irregularities’ of the new2004.

Flash-diagonals! So, you mean the underwater island we saw in New2004 (if it’s that. I assume it is because we were on the safe plane, and then zoom to the island underwater) would be caused by something that the current gang in Islandoriginal2007 will do? My brain hurts. But I’m already liking how the characters are different/same as their new doubles are.

I agree (especially with the addition of the Previouslies and the hour recap before - it’s like Juliet died like 4, 5 times in the course of a night), but as for in the episode I’m not sure what to think of it. On the one hand, I love Juliet so at least she got to be in this episode a little, but I’m not sure why a repeat death scene (other than Juliet’s enigmatic “It worked”) was all that necessary. Real world V reasons aside, why wouldn’t Sawyer just take Juliet to the temple along with Sayid as a last resort, given all the weird stuff that’s happened to them on the island? You think it’ll be worth a shot.

I like this theory a lot. I think this diagonal story line will lead to everyone growing and gaining “redemption” without the help of the island to counteract the arguement that “hey without the island they wouldn’t have grown into the people we love.”

I am seeing a lot of theories that like the symmetry of Jacob taking over Sayid’s “vessel” just like the Man in Black took over Locke’s true vessel but this always bugs me because Locke’s vessel is clearly there on the beach lying empty, obviously not taken over. Yet every one who the smoke monster has appeared as such as Christian, Ecko’s brother, Boone, Ben’s daughter has died on the island. EXCEPT Walt of course! What up with dat?

My mind keeps coming back to a theory that the Alt-U and everything we see in those flashes exist only as pure energy down below in the Swan station. Whenever Desmond appears in the Alt-U, that is an appearance coinciding with him pushing the button.

Kind of like a Russian nesting doll, a little universe buried inside our own. It keeps wanting to expand and replace our universe with itself, but pushing the button collapses it back down to its original size.

I like it, that fits with the tesseract theory!

^ Dude, you just blew my mind. And oddly enough, all of that made sense to me.

Yeah, Sayid becoming Jacob does seem too obvious, ergo unlikely. As you said, Smokey was only projecting himself as Locke while the real Locke was dead in the coffin. Which makes me very sad. And if Sayid were to die (in either reality), it would make me even sadder. Come on, he deserves a tearful reunion with Nadia.

I’m just glad we got an explanation for the guitar case. Now if they could just rewind to the whole “black and white stones” that they found in the cave with Adam and Eve in season 1…

I don’t see how they could end the series without this happening, there would be riots in the streets. Hey, wasn’t it Jacob that got Nadia killed in the first place?


Think of it this way: Everything we see in S1-5 plus the on-island arc in S6 are in the same timeline and “whatever happened happened”. The Losties in 1977 cause the very incident that they learned about from the Swan orientation video and thought they were going to prevent and then flash back to 2007 just as Juliet detonates the bomb. However, at the conclusion of the on-island arc of S6, somehow somebody does something that actually does change something in 2004 that sinks the Island, prevents 815 from crashing, and causes the “flash-sideways” timeline to be created.

ok this is just nutz, and completely sane in the LOST world… i love it

while i like this idea, it also kind of scares me… i have to wait n see how it all plays out, but i have faith in the writers…

if the s6 off island stuff is the end of the story, why are some things So different??? jack nervous, not rose… charlie swallowed the drugs, not flushed them… rose wasnt wearing bernards ring around her neck… Hurley’s great luck.??. i know there are a bunch of others, but after only 1 viewing i cant remember any others…

I’m scared too. I have no idea where they are going with this.
That’s why I love Lost. :slight_smile:

Yeah, it seems like that. I like Badger’s thot, they are Vorlons. To that I say to them in proper John Sheridan voice, “Get the HELL off OUR Island!!”

I’m all over Smokey being the good guy like a bag of cats. I sympathized with the Shadows and resented the Vorlons too, so maybe I’m just predisposed. :smiley:

The dissimilarities in the timelines seem to specifically hinge on the entire existence of the island. In the “safe landing” timeline, Hurley’s super lucky, like the number that won him the lotto have nothing at all to do with the island. So in the safe timeline, the island seems to be not just destroyed, but entirely negated, right?

One dissimilarity I noticed, other than Desmond on the plane, is that he doesn’t recognize Jack. Jack thinks Desmond looks familiar, but on the island they recognized each other right away “you”. Did they never meet at the stadium? Was this Desmond not in training for the sailing race and therefore never went to the island and never pushed the button? Was Desmond only there in Jack’s mind?

I also wonder if Libby never gave him the boat. And what book was he reading? Anyone with TiVo able to pause it and read the title?

In this timeline, Desmond probably never made an enemy of Widmore (who for all we know went down to Davey Jones with the Island) therefore Des never needs to prove himself with a race around the world.

Oh, this just came to me: if Alt island sank in 1977, then maybe Alt Juliet never was recruited to go there. She delivers her sister’s Alt baby and hooks up with Alt Sawyer again. Yay more Elizabeth Mitchell!!

I found this screen-cap but it’s not very clear. It looks like something by Salman Rushdie.

Found that same frame in my copy, 5:08 into the episode. Def S Rushdie, don’t see the cover on Amazon though.