#297: TV/Movie Catch-Up

We catch you up on all the great shows and movies we’ve been watching for the past few months. And we run down the week in geek, including the new Elder Scrolls game release, a possible Bruce Willis casting in an upcoming Neuromancer big-screen debut, re-writes and shuffling in the Battleship/Asteroids camps, and lots, lots more.

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LOVE Alphas…OSSIM show.

and Azita Ghanizada (Rachel) is haaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwtttt

I really enjoyed this podcast this week. Nice to see where you are all at in watching TV shows and which ones maybe I should start on.
Also, while you were discussing Warehouse 13, Gwen was watching it. It’s cute to see her play “Barbie” only with Myka and trying to get artifacts. But she thinks Claudia is the cuter one and wants to be her when she grows up.
Anyway, when you all get to Torchwood: CoE-we’ll all be there for you to cry on and give you hugs.

Chuck, when you were discussing some of the first D&D games you couldn’t remember the name of one, were you thinking of Wizardry? http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wizardry

Ps: the next GWC T-shirt needs to be, “I am a chicken kicker”

12:18 – “shot went through the hole”.


video arcades – the other Friday night lights.

Here’s the Nikita show I was talking about. It’s on the CW and is freak’n awesome. Maggie Q plays Nikita btw.

Here’s the link to the show site. It’s uber worth your time.

For those interested here’s the history of the First person shooter. Pretty interesting really.

indeed also think I mentioned in an earlier 'cast…if they ever did an X Men flick with Psylocke…Maggie Q would nail it

Havent listened to the cast yet, but I caught a few episodes of Nikita near the start and it was pretty damn awesome. Really annoyed I lost track of it, will have to try and get the DVD before the second season (if there is one.)

Maggie Q was great, but her co star made a particular impression on me. Dem eyes…

In my opinion, Michael Rosenbaum is the best Lex Luthor ever.





Hey! Pouts.

Ok after listening to the latest cast I took your recommendation and started to watch “Archer”. I have gotten to the second episode and…Wait…WHAT?:eyebrow:

EDIT: Episode 3. It’s official I can feel my IQ dropping every time he opens his mouth.

Also I personally would have left the knife in…and accidentally stepped on it. :oops:

Hey! WTF???



Once again Starsaber and I are on the same page. Here is my favorite clip of Lex from Smallville, where Clark and Lex are discussing the Legend of Naman and Sageeth.


Sean - You would like the character Molly in Neuromancer. Description from Wikipedia: A “Razorgirl” who is recruited along with Case by Armitage. She has extensive cybernetic modifications, including retractable, 4 cm double-edged blades under her fingernails which can be used like claws, an enhanced reflex system and implanted mirrored lenses covering her eyesockets, outfitted with added optical enhancements.

Chuck - I have no recollection of any kind of motorcycle in Neuromancer.

Just noticed…you have Gernsback as a “Staint” in your sig…


Vote for your favorite GWC Podcast 297 quote(s). This poll will close on December 11th, 2011 at 10:30 PM.

That is all.

I’ve never seen Castle. Mistress Sapphire, however, may entice me to check out at least one episode…

~Shooter Out

I’m having very pleasant flasbacks to Elizha Dushkus Dominatrix outfit in Dollhouse…