#297: TV/Movie Catch-Up

Why have flashbacks when you can have in the pixels? Voila!

I’ve also only seen the first five episode of Castle, but this episode I even caught on German TV per accident and then watched it to the end. Even the German synchronization I found funny. :smiley:

Worth getting invested in. When traveling more than usual over the last couple months, all I kept loaded on the lappy was the first two seasons, and people actually stopped in the terminal gates to say, “Hey, you’re watching Castle? LOVE that show. He’s such a lovable jerk.”

There’s your epitaph, Mr. Fillion…such as it is. (I’ll stick with “good-natured scamp”, myself.)

Why indeed… Such a sight, they should have sent a poet!


I’m way behind on podcasts, but…

I watched Alpha’s pilot and was disinterested. Haven’t gotten back to it yet, though I suspect I will eventually.
Whereas I’ve been disliking Community more and more, the time loop episode is perhaps my favorite since the first season.
I’ve yet to see the X-men movie but I’ll be sure to weigh in on the accents once I do :slight_smile: