#291: Fantasy Casting Showdown

So we started out tonight to make a second podcast about geek meetups, but had so much fun casting new movies (some real, some imagined) that we just gave in and had a good time. You know how we roll. Also, we run down the week in geek, including the possibility of a new Mass Effect movie (see start of this description), some new Sanctuary (coming soon), lots of new Avengers pics, and Sean’s take on Iron Man, um, XXX.

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Mass Effect movie… love it in concept, hard to imagine it being done to my enjoyment. I’ve already lived it, watching it on screen is never going to be as exciting. I’m going to have to think about my own casting for a bit, I think everyone should post their own.

Jennifer Hale is awesome, she is more awesome in every interview I read. I’ve played all the way through with both the Male and Female Shepard, and jumping between the two doesn’t seem strange because they have different voices, but what does seem strange is hearing your characters voice come out of another face.

Mila Kunis: She was in the Max Payne movie as Mona Sax, the femme fatale of the piece. She kind of looks like the character from the games, and then she starts talking… All the sudden I am wondering why Meg is in the Max Payne movie. Feel like it would be the same thing with Ashley.

This is cool, what is it from?

Sorry guys, gonna have to disagree with you there. I’d have a hard time seeing Jimmy Olsen as Kaiden.

I do think that Michael Hogan would work as Presley if his character gets dropped from ME 2.

The picture is of some Geth from the first Mass Effect. The robot in the forground is a Geth Shock Trooper , the thing the background is a Geth Armature.

Definitely a big +1 for a Firefox remake. Dodgy SFX aside it was a craxking good movie. China has a new stealth fighter that could probably use a good stealing…

No love for a Top Gun remake? As for TV shows I’d love to see a UFO reboot!

I spent the commute in this morning thinking about the Mass Effect score, and who would step in as perfectly and seamlessly as Daft Punk did for Tron:Legacy (and I must admit, perhaps two years or so ago when THAT pairing was announced, I man-squeed something fierce). Knowing the tone and aural landscape that needs to be established, here’s my first blue thought, and bear with me on this – Trent Reznor.

Put aside your “Quake” memories, while beloved ones, and look closer to recent work in ‘The Social Network’, and his collaboration with his new bride in the ‘How to Destroy Angels’ project, and you’ll soon see…er…hear…that the man is still evolving in his studio skills and willingness to experiment, not always going dark or brooding, and is meticulous about production quality over all else (even if it means delaying release of certain works for months on end).

For those in the GWC who enjoy batting this sort of topic around (those of us who LISTEN to film/television as much as WATCH it), I’d love to discuss.

great cast … +100 for the Christopher Walken and Dennis Hopper scene in True Romance. (NSFW).

80’s TV remakes:

Quantum Leap

80’s Movie:

Lost Boys

I have no idea where this came from, but…

On the page http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LiveActionAdaptation.

“Can I borrow that pin agin?”

I love My Blue Heaven!!

Audra, it has Carol Kane and Joan Cusack in it. Watch it. Now.

Oh SNAP!! Audra, thank you!! It was buggin’ me who Jinx looked like. Ice Man from X-Men!! Thank you. Now I can sleep.

Good cast

My remakes?

Starship Troopers
Buck Rodgers TV Show

Hey and fantasy cast this book if they ever made it into a movie - Stranger In A Strange Land.

I called this in so we can hopefully get some fantasy casting next week too.

Last week, David Weber announced that he’s signed a deal for one or more Honor Harrington movies. :slight_smile:

How about we reverse it with a twist? Given a person, who would you cast them as? And, instead of actors, use people here on GWC. For example, Chuck would make an awesome Doc Brown, and Audra would be a great H. G. Wells from Warehouse 13. Sean is more of a puzzle. All I can think of for him is Neo: “I know kung-fu, bitch.”


Sean as Charles Foster Kane.

Wow. Automan looks like the original Tron taken off the grid and put into real life. I don’t remember seeing it. I wonder what it was airing against at the time?

I love the little “Cursor”-bit like character too.


I’m not sure this could be re-made, though. It looks very much 80’s era-specific.

~Shooter Out

Just came back from a special preview screening of Immortals. All I can say is that is is BADASS AWESOME!!!

I’ll see you on 50% of that. Beedeebeedeebeedeebeedee.

So many reboots were done so haphazardly…case in point, making “Land of the Lost” into a Will Farrell slapstick debacle. So sad.

Maybe they’ll flip the tables, and start doing kids’ edu-tainment shows, like “3-2-1 Contact”, “The Electric Company”, or “The Great Space Coaster”.

Oh! And “The Magic Garden”. I was five, and didn’t even realize I was SUPPOSED to be tripping my face off while watching THAT one…

Iron Man convinced me that a faithful adaption of the book was possible. Just by how they did the in-suit UI and stuff. I guess that applies to like Halo as well.

I’m just starting Mass Effect, especially now that I have a 360, and can play it (woot), but I am definitely looking forward to getting to know all the characters and the story lines as I go, so I’m also excited to hear news about a potential movie.

I have to say that I am a huge Dune Fan, despite still working my way through the series, but Sean’s joke early in this cast amused me greatly. I wish Sean a long and happy life, may Crom never take him, but thinking his water being taken for the tribe got my mind spinning, and amused. And so, with a copy of Dune on one hand and my imagination on the other, I give you the following:

The Dune Funeral of Sean

Chuck: It is time. Sean’s microphone has been killed. Sean has been called by Him, by Shai-Hulud, who has ordained the phases for the moons that daily wane and-in the end- appear as bent and withered twigs." quieter “Thus it is with Sean”

Chuck gestures to a coat wrapped around a pile of goods

Chuck: The friends of Sean (GWCers) will approach.

They approach

Chuck: The spirit leaves the body’s water when the first moon rises, Thus it is spoken. When we see the first moon rise this night, whom will it summon?"

GWCers: “Sean”

Chuck: I was a friend of Sean, When there was no security for the first meetup, Sean found us Shannon, and saved us. Chuck bends over and pulls away the coat leaving an assortment of objects, since this is a Dune parody, including a crysknife hilt “I take this coat, leader’s right.” He bends down again, picking up some pictures of Sean’s family as well as a book he’d bought for Squeak For Sean’s wife and daughter."

GWCers “Leader’s Right”

Chuck: Bends down and picks up the broken microphone stand “For the podcast”

GWCers: “For the podcast.”

Chuck withdraws and Fallen_Crusader steps forward

FC: I was a friend of Sean. I remember the podcast when he through out his shoulder, and strapped himself to the chair to make it through the cast takes a Transformer from the stack

((And at this point, if there’s any funny/memorable stories or items, we could all remember Sean, despite the fact he’s still alive. And I hope there’s no bad Mojo in it at all.))

I’d done some thinking about how to make Mass Effect into a movie, and the best idea I thought of was to drop Liara’s world and Feros. I still ended up with two movies unless a lot more gets trimmed, so not basing it on the games is a really good idea.

Movie 1:
Eden Prime (Maybe have Liara here investigating the artifact)
Virmire (same gender human companion dies. Need to think of something other than Krogan army to justify blowing up base).

Movie 2:
Maybe action open with Feros
Noveria (Krogan army being made here for Wrex conflict)