#291: Fantasy Casting Showdown

I vaguely remember this one, and if memory serves, it died when stacked against Knight Rider. I think. (Beware, the Power of the Hoff.)

I remember he was partnered with an IRL human cop/detective, and all I remember is that being vector-based, his vehicle made Tron light-bike-esque 90-degree instant turns, causing his human counterpart to get slammed about the cabin during chases.

At least, I believe this is an accurate memory of the program. As a child, I was drunk through most of the 80s.

I remember the show. The floating cursor was called Sprite. On command it could create any needed vehicle. One time the bad guy gets away in a private jet. That is until Sprite derezzes the plane in mid flight considering it was a construct.

The human side kick. Was Desi Arnez. Was it a good show? Hardly. Was it mindless entertainment? Mostly. Had a very big tron feel. At the time that was the big thing. Could it be done today? I guess, only WHY. It’s like they want to redo Manimal. Just too awful to think about.

I say that knowing that in Hollywood. Bad ideas have a way of being done anyway.

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Hoverbikes in a new CHiPs series. NOW who would play Poncherella, Jon Baker and Sgt Joe Getraer?

~Shooter Out

I’ve been brainstorming on this a lot as well, except with a miniseries. I might make a separate thread.

FC: I was a friend of Sean. I remember the podcast when he through out his shoulder, and strapped himself to the chair to make it through the cast takes a Transformer from the stack

I was a friend of Sean. I remember how he shared a love of hot chicks who want to kill you. takes a whip from the stack

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OK, new plan. When I kick off I want a funny ass Dune funeral. That is awesome!

I’m pretty up with Dune, but what’s the funeral?? Don’t they just walk off into the desert Stupid moment here.