#274: Memory Part I, FSL 3.0 Intro, Fireball Tim

We discuss the concept of memory and its numerous sci-fi storyline applications. We announce the return of the fantasy sci-fi league: FSL 3.0. We talk to movie car designer Fireball Tim. And we run down the week in geek including more Transformers set dishing on Megan Fox, Chinese prisons’ new get-rich-quick scheme of forcing prisoners to gold farm in WoW, the release of Clear Skies 3, some free stuff for PSN sufferers, some security advice for Twitterers/Facebookers, and the story of a kidney for an iPad.

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Goa’uld/Tok’ra, Audra. Of course, my immediate thought was McKay/Cadman from Duet in SGA Season 2. Of course, that was the episode that made me a McKay fan, so I’m a bit biased.

And as soon as I posted that, Chuck said it.

I had something really cool to say about memory, but now I can’t remember what it was… :smiley:

I have an old school photographic memory. It just ran out of film :frowning:

Before this memory arc is over you guys really need to see Memento , it’s Chris Nolans’ second film and i think up on Netflix Instant Watch. Anyway it deals with a lot of the issues you brought up about memory and its narrative structure is designed to put you in the shoes of someone who can’t form new memories…at the same time that he is trying to find out who murdered his wife. Really great stuff.

Yes, I was screaming Tokra and Tori at my PC monitor. (:

People may groan at this, but 50 First Dates is a fun movie about memory if you can get past Adam Sandler. Drew Barrymore plays a woman who had an accident and has short-term memory loss as a result. She forgets everything that happens over 24 hours the next day. So every morning, she wakes up thinking its a new day from years ago.

I’m not an Adam Sandler fan, but I liked the movie because of that twist.

How Thor Should Have Ended



Sean tell Chuck that EA played a trailer for Halo 4 at their E3 presentation. d:
Halo 4 E3 2011 Debut Trailer [HD]



Chuck tell Sean that Mass Effect 3’s release date is 3-6-12 (March 6th, 2012).
Mass Effect 3 Gameplay Trailer E3 - Fall of Earth



Audra tell Chuck and Sean that CCP’s Dust 514 with be a PS3 exclusive game.
Dust 514 - E3 2011: Official Trailer



Dust 514 Coming to Playstation 3 in 2012

Damn, thought I saw Miranda for a split second in that ME3 trailer, but it was an Asari.

I was gonna post something, but I forgot what it was.

I think this might be the interview A was referring to John Sarkin NPR interview

I found it quite memorable (pun).

I think this might be the woman with amnesia mentioned.

Su Meck’s rebooted brain.

You should watch the movie adaptation of “Dream Catcher” - there’s a bunch of scenes with the lieutenant guy from Band of Brothers where they literally show you a memory palace & how it works. :slight_smile:

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Our household acquired Little Big Planet and inFAMOUS from the Sony welcome back package. Spouse has been playing inFAMOUS, and we’re both enjoying LBP (which we talked about getting even before we could get it for free, we’re just slow video game acquire-ers).

So thinking about memory -

What first jumped to mind, for me, was the DS9 episode “Hard Time” in which Miles O’Brien is falsely convicted of spying and his punishment is the imposition of the memory of 20 years in prison. For some reason I find the imposition of memories that didn’t actually happen to be more “science-fictiony” than someone losing their memories - but I suppose that makes sense, because there are many different ways in which people can lose their memories, but it would require some kind of outside intervention (probably via technology?) in order to create fake new ones.

Either way, Dollhouse personalities take memory creation/imposition to an extreme, Actives are “empty.” One might therefore ask, are they still people, without memory? How does our memory define who we are? What is the relationship between our lived experience (grounded in our physical bodies) and a non experiential memory?
(I have ideas about all of these things but I think they’re very interesting questions to consider.)

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. One of Jim Carrey’s best dramatic roles. What does it mean to purposely have memories removed? Just because they are paindfull is it better to forget or is that what makes us us?

Why is it that I only remember the FSL segment of this cast? :confused::o

re: “Summertime,” Parks & Recreation has a great “Parents Just Don’t Understand” joke.

Office boss Ron Swanson** walks in and says, “OK, here’s the situation.” And Amy Pohler busts into “Parents” rap.

** Ron Swanson is a libertarian icon who transcends political affiliation. Chuck, tell Sean he’d love him. To wit, here’s the Ron Swanson Pyramid of Greatness.

Re: Facebook security.

I’ve found that unwanted facebook “features” are enabled by default and beneficial features are disabled by default.

That being said the latest Facebook fiasco is facial recognition for photos. More on that: Cnet article. There are ways to disable that on your account settings.



Sean mentioned this on the 'cast…looks damn sweet!

Btw, thanks. I just updated. I couldn’t find the facial recognition feature, but Google led me to:

Ron Frakking Swanson! I love that episode where he crafted this beautiful harp to illustrate how functional he is while he’s drunk.

Devil’s Advocate is The American President for me. If I happen to come across either of them on TBS (or is it TNT? I can’t remember. But there was a time when they keep re-airing those two specific movies), something would compel me to watch the whole thing. It’s terrible.