#267: What If, Part II

We explore more sci-fi what if situations, entering the world of classic arcade games, Halo, and Mass Effect. And we run down the week in geek, including lots of awesome new movie releases and the final home for NASA’s operational Space Shuttle orbiters.

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I’m to the Walking Dead/funeral home bit and I have a few humorous stories.

One of my uncles on Mom’s side is a funeral director for several small towns in northern Iowa and his house is attached to his main funeral home. One of my other aunts was coming in from out of state, but decided to stay at a hotel instead of his house. His response was “Not all my guest beds have lids.” :smiley:

here are some trailers from the movies Sean mentioned on the 'cast



Sad news: Hugh Jackman has already walked away from the Huntsman role in Snow White and the Huntsman - Viggo Mortensen had walked away from it already. Makes me wonder what is wrong with the production.

This is the Snow White movie where Charlize Theron plays the Evil Queen and Kristen Stewart is in talks to play Snow White.

(There’s another one where Julia Roberts is playing the Evil Queen.)

There won’t be a shuttle in San Francisco…Endeavour is promised to the California Science Center in Los Angeles. So people will be able to go to Disneyland or Universal Studios or Knott’s Berry Farms and then go see a shuttle. :wink:

And I planned my vacation around the first GWC meetup to see Johnson Space Center in Houston. :smiley:

Mario - The 80’s version of freerunning/Pakour plus I was a sony boy so nintendo passed me by

Red vs Blue - I have no idea what that is

Mass Effect 1 - Garus
Mass Effect 2 - If Female then Samara or Jack - The two badass biotics, if male then Thane.

Canon - Bad wigs scare me :slight_smile: so I would be a barbarian, have your own sword and ride horses :slight_smile:

Super Mario Bros

Gotta go Red. Red is so much cooler than those jerks on Blue. and I quote " * HEY BITCH, REMEMBER ME?! I SAVED SOMETHING FOR YA!

* [After he chucks a plasma grenade halfway across the map and sticks the tank cockpit] HELL YEAH, THREE POINTS YOU DIRTY WHORE! [The words 'Dirty Whore' echo throughout the canyon]


Mass Effect 1? Stilts and Wrex’s armor. Biotics + Best armor + all those abilities that make him basically unkillable.
Mass Effect 2? I gotta go with Thane. What else is cooler than a space trench coat and throwin down biotics? Nothing.

Hand and a Half Barbarian or a Snake Cult? Really? I WILL HEAR THE LAMENTATIONS OF THEIR WOMEN!

pre-paid parking for San Diego Comic Con 2011 is live!

I posted here to give as many gwcers a chance to get it!

Good hunting!!

I loved the 'cast—couldve been more porn talk tho :smiley:

Im only 12 minutes or so in and…Sean was in porn?

lol, yeah, that’s a meetup story I’m afraid.

BTW, Chuck, you can call me Firebreathing; Mr. Chicken is my dad.

And, now, people will call in their Star Trek porn titles! Bwahagahahahahahahahahhah!

Im only 12 minutes or so in and…Sean was in porn?

That’s what I love about Sean, he’s always surprising me.

lol, yeah, that’s a meetup story I’m afraid

You’re telling me I have to wait a year to hear this story? Crap. Well, I’m buying my ticket now. I’m not going to forget about this, you and I are going to have a long, long talk.

He’s going to have a long, long talk with all of us. :smiley:

And Sean…we want pictures or it didn’t happen!

Trust me ya’ll, it’s not as exciting as it sounds. But yes, next meet-up I will break it down like a fraction for ya.

Sean, I sent Chuck a bunch of ME2 mining tips this morning, so he has less excuse for not making progress in the game now :wink:

For the record: invisible pants are still pants.


First off, there are no fractions in Porn; guys round up to the nearest inch, ladies round down. :groucho:

Second, I will give you all a hint. Sean took home an award for said Porn.

Wait. A tank in Fable? Your dog on the turret? Bad idea. Bad.


So as I’m listening to this 'cast and Chuck brings up the guy and his wife with the trailer-train with a car and motorcycle and motorhome etc… and all I can think is that that’s the plan that my dad has for the future, just replace the motorcycle with a jet-ski, kayak, racing bike, road bike, kite, any other random toy that he could fit in the ‘shed-on-wheels’ that he would have attached to the back of the train. Made me laugh. :smiley: