#259: Time Travel, Part I, Dr. Ron Mallett

We kick off our time travel arc with guest Dr. Ron Mallett, physics professor and author of Time Traveler: A Scientist’s Personal Mission to Make Time Travel a Reality (soon to be a Spike Lee movie). And we run down the week in geek, including Felicia Day’s new Dragon Age: Redemption web series, Olivia Wilde’s possible role as the new Lara Croft, IBM Watson’s Jeopardy performance, Detroit’s possible new RoboCop statue, Redbox’s upcoming streaming service, and the Star Trek animated series’ appearance on CBS streaming. Also: RSVPs are now open for the 2011 GWC International Meetup in March! Check the GWC Forum for more information.

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I have downloaded and shall listen on my 3+ hour drive this evening (thius morning your time :stuck_out_tongue: )
as I’ve said in the podcast arc suggestions/ GWC posted schedule thread, any chance you guys could discuss Primer? If you thought inception was a head scratcher watch this low budget flick from the first decade of the new millenium, it would help if you had someone in the room with a good knowledge of temporal paradoxes and quantum mechanics, it’s not a movie for the faint of Physics.
on the “nomming my morning toast with cheese and a lass of Pinapple juice on the side, mmmm” ID

Just in time for my looong drive tomorrow from Margaret River
(here) http://maps.google.com.au/maps/place?ftid=0x2a2fad442cc4cbeb:0x400f638247a0a30&q=Margaret+River,+Western+Australia&hl=en&dtab=0&sll=-33.953676,115.073565&sspn=0.148151,0.256119&ie=UTF8&ll=-33.817378,114.852448&spn=0,0&t=h&z=11

to here:

Wish me luck as I dodge kangaroos (last trip I wrote off an Avis car when a kangaroo jumped in front of me while I was doing 110km/hr…)
Score: Avis 0…Kangaroo 0.


Ah, when you were describing the banned advert, i was thinking to myself that no it’s not, I’ve seen that zoosk advert. But after doing a quick google search, it looks like there might be two versions.

And I told you about Being Human is good :)…Last nights UK episode was brill :slight_smile:

You should follow them on Twitter (the show and actors)

Still listening to the rest of the podcast, so I’ll post more when I get through it :slight_smile:

I still need to get through DA:O and crack open awakenings.

Great cast as usual.

I feel like studying physics again and I wonder what the black demographic for science teachers/scientists are in the UK.

Thanks again to Professor Mallett for his very memorable interview. Be sure to check out his homepage where he talks about his work, his favorite time travel movies and other interviews here

Just getting into the cast and totally sang along with the Greatest American Hero bit. The answering machine bit reminded me of …


GAH rocked!
loved the chat with the prof, looking forward to the spike lee movie and wil seek out the radio programme too.
Fun cast, i have of course already RSVPd :smiley:
on the “also loved the discussion on Primer, truly scary, confusing film” ID

One of my favorite time travel flicks is a 25 minute short film called 12:01 PM (1990), here is a youtube link to part 1 of 3 where somebody copied it off of TMC-


This film really messed with my head…:eek:

Some others are Time after Time, The Philidelphia Experiment, Somewhere in Time, and Frequency. The last two I really like because they focus on the emotional/human elements of the story rather than on the time-travel itself, which makes them more endearing to me. I smiled at Chucks mention of Timerider, I remember my dad and I watching that film at the theater when it came out. It is a fun and silly romp…

And Sean mentioned Trancers… I remember the Trancer films quite fondly, I loved the ‘long second’ watch he wore. That was a cool gadget! I think the production company that made it was called ‘Full Moon’, they made a bunch of cheesy but very entertaining B Movie SciFi/Horror flicks (Puppetmaster, Crash and Burn, Demonic Toys), they were all low budget direct to video of course. I think Tim Thomerson was in almost half of them… Dollman was another silly series he starred in.

Enough for now…

Sean and Chuck were talking about a Warhammer 40,000 book and wanted to let them know that they made a movie in that setting and there’s a free showing in Dallas Saturday:

(cut/paste from here): Dallas, TX - 11 AM, Saturday February 26 at the Lewisville Cinemark Movies 8 - 1600 S Stemmons Freeway @ Corp Drive, Lewisville, Texas 75067

Curious which book was read. Some are darker than others, and there’s now a metric crap tonne of them.

Here is a link to the first look of the RoboCop statue:


Thank you Solai for the link to his website. I used the link on it for his email to send a thank to the Professor. It was a most excellent interview on Time Travel. :smiley:

Sean, thanks for the heads up on Hunter Prey. I had heard about this movie and had looking for it. I’ll check this out.

The director, Sandy Collora, is an FX guy who is working on getting into directing. Before Hunter Prey, he was best know for the fan film Batman: Dead End. Its pretty sweet.


Close enough - but it should probably say “kulor” instead. So, in swedish, it would be “det spelet sög stora blå åsnekulor”.

“Kulor” is correct, but under the circumstances very clean. I will be available during the meetup for more colorful swedish alternatives.

I’m still listening, but I think that Chuck remembers the movie Timerider is fantastic! Lyle Swan was played by Fred Ward, who later went on to be in Tremors and Remo Williams. I was 13 when that movie came out and I thought it was a totally awesome movie. I mean, the dude ends up being his own great-grandfather! Does it get any better than that??

Absolutely beautiful interview with Dr Mallett, excellent work as usual!

Yeah Ron sounds like the sort of professor who could inspire a generation with his knowledge and passion that said without this sort of interview I probably wouldn’t give a Spike Lee movie about a theoretical physicist a second glance:)

As for time travel as a narrative then the examples are endless and while SG1 (always gets a mention) does some great time travel eps I think the Valenn/Minbari arc in B5 takes a lot of beating in terms of all the separate events boggling the mind until we see the big picture and it all fits together.
You would hope the implementation of time travel is that neat because if it ain’t then it’s the end the individual and species ability to make their own choices and live with those consequences both good and bad.
Time travel is the ultimate WMD.

The Captain America discussion is cracking me up, y’all. And the Cap could drive a Saturn. That is (was) an American-made car.

I’ve requested Dragon Age: Origins for my birthday. Yeah, I’m behind the times but anything involving Claudia Black should be cool.

And thanks for getting the Greatest American Hero theme stuck in my head.

Oh yes. I’ve been humming/singing/whistling the theme all week now. I also downloaded it from itunes. I’ve been totally powned by Greatest American Hero this week.

~Shooter Out

  1. I’m playing Dragon Age:Origins right now and have pre-ordered DA2. It’s considered the “spiritual sucessor” on the Baldur’s Gate/Neverwinter Nights game series.

Also, my 72-year-old mother requested Dragon Age:Origins for her birthday. She’s finally gotten bored with Neverwinter Nights 2. :smiley:

  1. Do not diss the D! :mad: Go Robocop statue!

  2. Sean, do you listen to the Tuning in to Scifi TV podcast? www.tuningintoscifitv.com I recommend it for anyone who wants to keep up with what genre stuff is on TV now and what’s coming up.

This early 80’s TV show is what got me hooked on Sci-Fi/Time travel. I listened to most of your last podcast on the time travel arc (ran out of time to finish it) and no one mentioned this show. Wondering if any of you saw Voyagers!

Keep up the good work GWC!!!
