#243: Halloween Special

We venture out into the Texas prairie for some fireside Halloween tales and take a break to watch one of our favorite Halloween specials: Garfield’s Halloween Adventure. And we run down the week in geek, including Caprica’s ignominious fate (and SF’s replacement show Blood & Chrome), new release dates for Iron Man 3 and the two upcoming Avatar sequels, details on Dark Knight Rises, and the first look at Captain America.

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ne wpodcast in time for my 3.25 hour drive to Dublin tomorrow, thankee folks, and the Discs will be on the way to you later int he week eg
on the “not quite finished listening to the previous weeks podcast but with seven hours on the road in the next two days I’m sure I’ll fit it all in” ID

Best Halloween Candy: Mini 100,000 Dollar Bars

Worst: Anything sour - Can’t do it. EVER

~Shooter Out


Damn I want some Halloween candy…oh wait (ommmnom nom nom nom)


-How about a Last Starfighter pilot’s costume?

-How about an Indy Jones costume?

-How about a Tron costume?

-How about a Hans Solo costume?

-How about an Apollo 13 Costume?

-How about a Legolas costume (Lord of the Rings)?

Hopefully something will stick.

~Shooter Out

I’ve looked everywhere for a Tron costume…as of now…the closest thing is a glow in the dark stick figure…

hopefully by the meetup…

Happy Halloween, all.

Candy-corn pumpkins are the best.

yaaaay. Loved the crackling fire and the fumbling with the cassette tapes :wink:

And candy corn is awesome (-this froma diabetic!)

If by awesome you mean the worst

No, by awesome I meant; Even though I know it’s bad for me I will keep eating it!

Any unwanted candy corn can be mailed to me btw.

Just one doorbell ring on Halloween. Now I’ve got all this leftover candy.

What to do? What to do?

Out of curiosity I found that Amazon has the Garfield holiday three pack for $10 here. I think I may have to procure this as I can’t find another copy elsewhere.


I can just see the Lederhosen now…

I’ve made my feelings known on the Caprica post mortem thread, but I just wanted to chime in - as someone whose favorite show on TV was Caprica, I’m just displeased about this. BSG was great in that it had the space battles and the dark discussions; I feel like with the BSG-universe shows, they have separated them. What kept me with BSG and made it my most favorite show was the drama, the themes. I can’t help but resent that the channel has decided to privilege the space battles (or so I assume with Blood and Chrome) as opposed to the thinking stuff. Sigh. I hope to be proven wrong but I just can’t help but resent the whole situation.

Also, I totally get Audra’s reading literature a certain way - a friend of mine says that it ruined her experience of reading for fun, but I’ve always found it to be very rewarding. Go team readers! :slight_smile:

This deals with the wwe on syfy (right?). Wrestling is cheap.

One wonders whether or not SyFy intentionally frakked around with the scheduling of Caprica in order to get rid of it. Honestly, I never really got into Caprica just cause I never found the time, but I feel bad the show got such a raw deal. From where I sit, it seems like SyFy did to Caprica what Fox did to Firefly.

I watched I think four to six episodes. I hated Zoe’s character,I found her to a brat, but I did find Clarica’s intriguing unfortunately not enough to watch every episode. Also, I had an apathy toward the origin of the cylons. It reminds me of a Paton Oswald bit about the Star Wars prequels called "At Midnight I Will Kill George Lucas With A Shovel.

I think I’ll skip the Garfield part… I loved Garfield back in the 79-83 period, back when he was still a fat, lazy, meanspirited cat; who terrorized Jon’s roomate Lyman and his dog Odie. But in the late 80’s Garfield went through an evolution spurt and could suddenly walk upright and operate TV remotes and brew coffee, read the newspaper and such.

I am sorry; but that’s not a cat, that’s not even a pet. That’s a frakking roommate! It jumped the shark for me at that point, I also disliked his short lived Barnyard comicstrip too.

But the most tragic derailment of a truly beloved comicstrip was Bloom County. I loved that strip!!! Outland was a weak replacement for it and Opus which surfaced years latter did not have the same spirit or heart as the original series he came from. sigh You can never go back…

But I am looking forward to the ghost stories!:slight_smile:

What they need to do with Blood and Chrome is look at Band of Brothers or Generation Kill and The Pacific and be like “We are doing this but entirely fictional”

Interesting. You are right, he did develop over time. No reason to skip this cast tho, the Crew hangs out by a campfire and talks about craaaaap and stuff. They touch on the special, but mostly from an artistic perspective of how the special was done. No need to deny yourself some tasty GWC love.

But the most tragic derailment of a truly beloved comicstrip was Bloom County. I loved that strip!!! Outland was a weak replacement for it and Opus which surfaced years latter did not have the same spirit or heart as the original series he came from. sigh You can never go back…

Bloom County is a classic. It like Garfield evolved over time changing to mirror the society that was changing around it. I personally wouldn’t call Outland weak, it was different certainly and hyper-distilled version of Bloom County.

The common thread in your commentary is the change that happens over time. I hear you and understand your view but ultimately I would respectfully disagree with you. Change is healthy and needed lest we stagnate. GWC was confronted with this very question when BSG came to an end: Do we talk about BSG over and over or do we change our approach? I look to shows I once loved like The Signal and Firefly Talk to see what happens when you become so constrained and afraid to change that ultimately the thing dies.

I would say that is true with Garfield, Bloom County and GWC. Change is good, evolving something into something new. This doesn’t always result in positive outcome, but it keeps things fresh and that in my mind is always a good thing even if one doesn’t like the direction that thing has taken.

/gets off my soapbox.