Good lord, I cannot stand humidity. I live in Iowa anyway. I hate hot, humid weather so much that Chuck’s descriptio nmade me physically uncomfortable.
I feel like Caprica is what it is; a separate concept grafted onto the BSG universe. It never felt authentic to the BSG universe, at least to me. While I understand that this is the prequel show that can go into greater detail than BSG did, but Adama’s dad especially did not ring true as a character. I also never liked the New Cap City thing, though I understand it’s part of the downfall in its own way.
You take a look at SyFy’s “audience” argument, though, and I think it holds up. Caprica is largely for people who already like sci-fi, and probably also liked BSG. You’re not going to discover a new audience here that suddenly catches on, becuase BSG already nailed down that audience about as best as you can. The numbers on this show were falling through the floor, and like Sean said, it’s not a cheap production.
People mention how AMC probably could’ve made this show do well, and that’s another point. Caprica is a very serious, very mature, very dour show. And it’s on a station, outside of BSG, that isn’t very serious by nature. It’s not a “prestige” station. They’re known for camp and low-budget terror movies. So without being as ludicrously good as BSG, it had no chance on that station. It would’ve been better before or after “The Walking Dead.”
I understand Sean’s argument about wrestling and think it’s totally valid (though I’ve heard more that it is “soap opera for men” than “Justice League Weekly”). I don’t hate people who like it. But it’s not for me.