#239: Logan's Run, Halo Reach

William F. Nolan wrote two sequels to Logan’s Run: Logan’s World and Logan’s Search. There is also a novelette, Logan’s Return, that has been published as an e-book.

Logan’s World deals with events following Logan’s returning to Earth, amidst the survivors and ruins of the system he escaped in the first novel, while Logan’s Search deals with Logan going to an alternate reality (with the assistance of aliens) to once again stop the government system he escaped in the first novel, albeit with some minor changes.

Amazon & iTunes have them on demand. Link

Also checked WorldCat and there is at least one library copy available. Don’t know if it’s available via InterLibrary loan though.

Two big differences between the book and the movie:

  1. The termination ages are 21 in the book and 30 in the movie
  2. They were trapped in domes in the movies and the entire World was available in the book, [SPOILER]which was why Sanctuary was off world in the books.[/SPOILER]

The big movie plot hole to me was why the runners waited until the gems started flashing to run. They knew their ages, so why not leave a bit early and avoid the Sandmen? In the book, there wasn’t really any place to run.

That makes sense. I haven’t been able to find a DVD for sale, though. (To be honest, I haven’t looked all that hard.)

Community quote: “Did you know there’s an episode of Happy Days where Fonzie literally jumps a shark?”

Assuming you already bought into the whole premise, are the books worth tracking down and reading?

I think Topgun read the Logan’s Run book. I did not.

Guys, have you checked the shownotes for this cast on the front page, because I think the Bad Astronomer himself may listen to GWC as he’s inviting our intrepid trio of podcasters to email him about an interview!!!

That is so cool! I loved the Bad Astronomy show that aired a few weeks ago. The second episode is on tonight I think.


I love it whenever he shows up on Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe.

Also, re: jumping the shark:


Regarding parentage in Logans Run. I always assumed that everyone was Vat grown and then raised by nurses or the computer. That would explain why Logan and Jessica had such problems figuring out what a mother and father are. I would also think that when they are hatched/grown they would be made to be infertile so they could have as much sexy sexy time as they want without any backlash. Which also would mean that the civilization is boned when they leave the Dome.

Also the folks in the Logans World world do work. So they dont just get to play and have fun time. Hell, they even have janitors.

Oh yeah. You may be a janitor, but you’re a janitor with a FRIKKIN JETPACK!

I think there’s a scene between Francis and Logan in which Francis asks Logan about a particular female he’s been with and the identity of the baby’s ‘seed mother’ or some such, and Logan’s response is to to be weirded out that anyone would even want to know the mom’s actual identity. From that I’m surmising that the Domeheads are fertile, but that when the females become pregnant their fertilized egg is taken and either destroyed or nurtured depending on the population needs of the society as determined by the AI running the place. It was also mentioned that Logan’s offspring would also become a Sandman, if I remember correctly.

I’ve read the first book, long ago. It’s worth a read, but don’t expend too much time or $ on it.

So the whole Washington DC/American Values thing struck me too. Although I clearly saw the similarities to Planet of the Apes (or as Chuck called it “Planet of the Apes Envy”), I saw another social commentary taking place as well. Planet of the Apes was released in 1968 while Logan’s Run was released in 1976. Of course there was bicentennial fever in '76, but it was also on the heals of the Nixon impeachment and resignation in August 1974. Couple the Nixon issues with the Vietnam protests and you start to get an idea of why Hollywood would want to portray the Capital building as for the PEOPLE and not corrupt politicians. That’s my 2 cents anyway.

~Shooter Out

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lol, I was just about to post that. :smiley:

I always figured the difference between the way guests act on Letterman vs. Leno is that it is safe to assume that the people that watch Letterman actaully have a sense of humor… :wink:

To be honest, I don’t watch Leno or Letterman. I’m more of a Ferguson/Stewart/Colbert type of gal when it comes to interviews on talk shows. I think the guests are often far more entertaining and interesting in these shows than Letterman or Leno.

(I like Conan too, but less for the interviews/guests, which varies too much depending on the guest, and more for the video skits he does so well.)

But anyway, I have no idea why we’re talking about talk show hosts. :smiley:

So it seems the guys at Penny Arcade share my point of view on the Myst moive a little.

I feel like that only way that could work would be like if it was National Treasures-ish

I was kinda thinking the same thing at first, but in the end it has to have a good story.

The Myst story is very interesting and if told correctly could be amazing. If they told Atrus’s story it would work well. Maybe a story about raising his sons and those adventures. That would give them a chance to introduce the world and show how he taught them to build and problem solve.

I do think a film centered on the “player” character or just the puzzle solving aspect would be lost on all but hardcore fans.