#239: Logan's Run, Halo Reach

We wrap up our classic sci-fi arc with the listener-selected Logan’s Run. We chat about our Halo Reach experiences. And we run down the week in geek, including the discovery of a new possibly-habitable planet, the UN’s appointment of a liaison for first contact, an archery-shooting robot that learns, the upcoming Myst movie, and Star Wars in 3D.

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On the off chance that anyone hasn’t seen the classic cartoon:


  • Earth 2 then is kinda like Stargate Universe now…from a certain point of view…

  • Did you guys get the frakkin’ award yet!? I still wanna see it.

  • Robot Archery
    In the video I saw, the robot couldn’t get the arrow in the target. The arrows bounced off. d:

  • Star Wars 3D
    I won’t see Episode 1, but I may see the others and 4, 5, and 6 for sure.

  • Myst
    I couldn’t get off the first world. ):

They even made a remake, and made it so you can walk through the environment, but I never played that.

Seinfield of movies. Oh my…

So, who was more frustrated? Audra with ET or Sean with Myst? ^^

  • Snow
    I consider myself not young. We didn’t have cable until I was 14 or 15. While I understood what you meant by snow, I’ve always refered to it as static… Or, time to bang on the TV…

  • Logan’s Run
    Lol @ side boob joke.

  • Mindless
    I think the movie would have worked better if the age was 21 instead of 30. I dunno, but they didn’t seem to have their acts together enough to pull off being close to 30.

  • I got confused with you guys mixing the Island with Logan’s Run. d:

  • At the next GWC meetup, Sean will goose honk, sing hello my baby, and etc., by request. d:

  • We have 15 years of life like those in the movie? No way… For many of us, school is like prison (no choice but to go). Then, you have college and you have to study or you fail. Then, you work. And before kindergarten, you don’t care about sex. d:

  • Farrah Fawcett
    Audra ain’t lying!! Wow!

  • Reloaded. I think the cave scene was an orgy. But, I think people stayed with the partner they came with instead of swapping around. Almost makes me want to look up the definition of orgy to see if that counts.

Sean’s commentary commentary… I didn’t get that when I watched. ):

  • Jessica didn’t acquiesce to sex when Logan grabbed her the time when they first met. But, that’s not saying much I suppose.

  • Lol. Someone called a scene and said Audra would be bothered, but it was Sean.

  • Someone called Miri too.

  • Screw you, Sean! I have a great aunt who came back as a caterpillar when I was five!! She became a beautiful moth… sniff d:

  • I think Logan’s Run is what happens when robots follow their three laws and decides that humans are the greatest danger to themselves. Or, someone hired MS to the programing. You know, like I, Robot. d:

  • Planet of the Apes…

Yeah, the references/borrowing were hard to miss.

  • Lol @ Audra chuckling when Sean started talking about hand controls.

  • Great cast and looking forward to the next arc.

  • I was disappointed Logan’s Run won the votes, but I’m glad I got to frak it with the GWC community.

  • Reach (I decided this needed a separate post)
    You guys got me looking for Halo for the PC. I searched, and found Halo 1 and 2 PC ports. Then, I watched the video reviews on Gamespot and got bummed. I suck at FPS. As anyone who followed the ME 2 threads would know, I was constantly complaining about the gameplay until I switched to Adept and Engineer. Playing a straight FPS is not something I can easily do one-handed. Before ME2 in fact, I haven’t played a FPS since Dark Forces 2.

So unless there’s some long range, auto targeting (the auto targeting is important) weapon I can use, or the enemies will kindly stay still while I smash them with a gravity hammer, all I can do is watch cutscenes on Youtube I suppose. ):

Ah, Myst. I loved and hated that game, but as frustrating the game was - and boy, was it ever I still remember just how long it took to solve that initial elevator puzzle (that had all the clues to open up all the ages) - at that time (what was it, early 90s) it was the only game that can scare the crap out of me with just the music and the setting - and when you think about just how slow that game can get (and that you never die during the game) it’s actually pretty amazing that it was able to keep the mood eerie and creepy all the way through.

Thinking about it now, the story (of Myst and Riven, I haven’t played the other Myst games, so not sure where those stories go) reminds me of Lost a bit (…and one quick google search reveals that of course, Lost fans have already explored that thought. Dang, and I thought I stumbled on such a brilliant idea just now :D) - but yeah! You get these two sets of annoying/crazy brothers who basically controls most of what you do during the game/show, in turn those brothers both have a creepy mother/father figure, there are weird mechanic/magnetic contraptions all over the island, weird symbols, big statues, weird creatures, weird inhabitants of the island (those Ninjas in Riven!) and heck, the donkey wheel was basically a linking book, etc, etc…

I just realized I forgot my point here. My point is that, a Myst movie might be pretty good, if it employs the structure, the tone, the look and the feel of Myst instead of concentrating on the actual game story (which is pretty silly). Like how Lost added a rich plethora of characters within a Myst-like world, and made it work.

And Mothra was born!:eek:

Aunt Milley? That you??

For more Logan’s Run info, you need to check out the Unofficial FAQ. It gives the lowdown on a lot of things with the various incarnations of LR, particularly the differences b/t book and movie. (spoilers, obviously.)

Also, I never got the impression that Box was part of the food supply chain anymore. I thought he was abandoned when they completely isolated The City (no more food ‘from the sea!’ coming in.) When runners found a way out of The City proper, they came across him and he just did to them what he did to the other items that used to be sent his way.

In a way, it’s an parallel to Carousel. The group that organizes runners sees people making it out of the authorized area, and when they don’t come back they take it on faith that they have made it to Sanctuary, when in reality they’re just as dead as if they hadn’t run.

It’s not until a Sandman runs that it becomes possible to actually strike out beyond that.

I read the books back in ‘79’, Logan’s Run and Logan’s World. The books were much better of course and gave a lot more insight into the society and how it worked.

I am not sure if any other books were written after those, the first book was them escaping and trying to avoid their pursuers. And the second was them exploring the world outside, and I believe they found out about a thriving space colony in orbit and were trying to find a way to get to it. If I remember correctly, after all; It has been a long time since I read them… obviously.

The guns in the book were much cooler, they were like the ‘Lawgivers’ from Judge Dredd. They had multiple types of ammunition, armor piercing, anti personnel, seekers, sleeping gas, and entangling nets. Plus the Sandmen were trained in hand to hand combat as well.

The Television series was a little weak…

Yeah. sucks air through teeth Yeah.

So, Sean, from your preference for close fighting, I’m guessing you use Vanguard in ME2?

Charge, Punch, Shotgun to the face, repeat. :smiley:

Sean: “I AM KROGAN!!”

As a matter of fact yes! Love the Vanguard! It’s the perfect way to go through the game as far as I can tell. :slight_smile:

But… I AM Krogan! Really!

P sure the best way is Infiltrator. Cause SCOPED AND DROPPED

Aparently, some of the movie was filmed in the Dallas /Ft. Worth area…

The crue should do an on-site report…

Regarding Myst, just a few weeks ago I got “realMyst” which is a remake of the original Myst. The remake is mainly a graphic update, although unfortunatly now the update is almost 8 years old. (Which is still much better then the now 17 years old Myst.) It aparently also includes a new “Age” for you to visit, but I have not found it yet. The interface is a little different, you have full 360 degree freedom to look around, and you walk by holding down the mouse buttons, rather than “jumping ahead” by clicking. RealMyst is available on Steam for $5.

Me and DawnAZ were talking about the Logan’s Run TV series on Twitter a couple weeks back. We loved it the TV show, but I honestly don’t remember a lot of about it.
You have to bear in mind though that in those years we were STARVING for Sci Fi on TV. So anything seemed awesome —even if flawed —Space 1999, BSG TOS. Ate that stuff all up.

I never got that impression either. Box was just doing what he always did, freezing whatever came within his reach. Nothing was going to the City anymore.

Second book they escaped to a colony on Mars from what I remember of the book. I think there was one more book but I’ve never found it at a local second hand shop…may have to see if Amazon has it.

The TV show was bad…but hey it was Sci-Fi on TV and back then it was a treat. :slight_smile:

I agree with you and Dawn on that!

If they do, I hope they take care and watch out for The Box.