#238: GWC's 4th Birthday, Blade Runner

GWC turns a fabulous four, and we celebrate with the community. We dive into Blade Runner. And we run down the week in geek, including a Battleship Yamato update, sad news about Sparticus, more Enders Game movie rumors, Chuck and the Venture Bros. return to TV, and Karl Urban’s full-helmeted turn as Dredd.

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Blade runner is that movie with harrison ford, netflix has it on streaming and I am going to watch it before i listen to the podcast.

It’s been four years?
Blimey, that’s daunting speaking as someone only just dipping their feet into the podcast obsession and already lost track of the episode number and we’re only in double digits:)
If for nothing else I have to thank RDM for creating BSG which led me to GWC, if I was more creative this post would continue with more acronyms but I’m not so back to listening to 238.

Happy birthday GWC! I didn’t realize your birthday was so close to mine. And mine has a four in it. :eek:

  • Grats on 4 years. My own first anniversary here passed in August. (:

  • The EVE/Honor Harrington podcast brought me here. Got the link from CCP/EVE’s Facebook page. Btw, Ian Chisholm is making Clear Skies 3.

  • Hey Omra! I can’t imagine how much money you’ve spent on the anime we watched, and everything else too. d: You introduced me to some stuff I didn’t know about too, dude. ^^

  • Nice segment Juan!

  • No news segment?

  • Pecks report Part Deux!

  • Khan is Sean’s least favorite? Wow…

  • Shannon ignores the even numbered Trek movie (besides III) meme?

  • Lol. Chuck just brought it up. d:

  • Yay! News! d:

  • Star Trek V Ring of Death! @Sulu: Oh my!
    That’s horrible luck, but I’m glad you got your worth out of it.

  • I made a “Are you sick of Vampire Movies” thread not because I dislike vampires, but I dislike how Hollywood is trying to make a cheap, quick buck off a demographic thanks to the success of Twilight. And, I don’t think vampires should be sparkly, but other than that!

But seriously, I don’t dislike them out of hand. In fact, I watched (and it seemed like I was the only one) the whole “season” (13 episodes) of The Gates recently. But, The Gates was about more than just vampires.

  • Yamato
    Other moniker = Starblazers. I held a Starblazers marathon at my university about over a decade ago. Quite a few folks showed up. I was surprised.

  • Anime
    One reason they have so many is that the Japanese treat animation as a medium like the US treat film. Their Hollywood is different basically animation studios.

  • Oh man, Hulk is my favorite Marvel hero. I won’t start my rant except to say I wish Edward Norton was gonna be in the Avenger movie. But, hopefully the new guy will be good too.

  • Wrt Blade Runner borrowing, a lot of anime series/movies borrow heavily from this movie.

  • Gothic. According to IMDB, the director wanted to call the movie Gotham City, but Bob Kane (Batman creator) said no. d:

    1. We had similar reactions during the frak. “We were supposed to be at Jupiter by now”
  • Origami thing. If you saw the unicorn dream sequence and the unicorn origami, that’s supposed to hint that Deckard was a replicant because he’s had that memory implanted.

  • Courtesy of Badger,

Also, courtesy of Badger,

I’ve always thought of Deckard as human though. Damaged, but still human.

  • I like Sean’s take near the end.

  • Deckard’s actions with Rachele could make more sense if you think of him as a replicant.

  • Wrt making or discovering new sentience/sapience, I think we as humans will get it wrong at first, then correct it later. We see it a lot in history with colonizing already inhabited lands, slavery, women’s right to vote, civil rights, etc. We seem to get it wrong at first, then come around to doing the right thing. I just wonder what price may be paid during the transition.

  • Great cast again! Here’s to another 4 years!

Apologies for making my post overly long, but I feel it’s better than splitting them up over 10 posts. At least they aren’t walls of text. d: That said, I wanted these to have a separate post.

Forum the frak. d: Enjoy!

Excellent segment from Jaun…it’s Juantastic! Sorry I missed out on that Skype session.
Belated Happy 4th Birthday GWC!

Here’s the Exo Squad episode I was talking about. Start at about 6:30 in for the line I mentioned in the cast. Seems kind of funny now but I rememeber it made me think for weeks when I first heard it.


Happy birthday GWC!! WOOT!!!

sorry I missed that skype sesion - I joined up @ 'cast 30…those were some heady days! Lots of great 'casts and new friends since then. Here’s to another 4 years!!

Great segment! Proving again… There can be only Juan!!

Nice work with the Skype segment, Juan. Pity I had to miss it.

I only found GWC because I was looking for podcasts and liked the podcast graphic. I didn’t even know about BSG. It looked sci-fi to me, so don’t downplay the importance of eye catching graphics.

You should call that in. Sean would be proud.

Sean is indeed proud [sniff] that’s the first listener we can attribute to graphics! It’s a day of days for artists when people click cuz your work was interesting.

Sean’s ranking of the Star Trek movies reminds me of one of my all-time favorite quotes. It’s from Jon Stewart, to George Lucas: "My son’s favorite movie is Phantom Menace. And I keep trying to explain to him, ‘No it’s not!’ "

Earwig sequence is creepy enough to knock Trek down the list; I’ll concede that much.

Ok Chuck. Here’s the first of the Ender’s Game posts.

I am a huge fan of OSC’s work, if not particularly of the man himself. To be fair, I don’t know him. I’m not a fan of his public persona. I have audio copies of both Ender’s Game, and Ender’s Shadow with afterwords form him where he discusses making an EG movie. To paraphrase both, he’s seems to be pretty insistent on keeping all of the control as to the script for the movie, and he seemed pretty exasperated that few if any of the production companies were willing to give that to him. I would actually be surprised to see an EG movie if he sticks to his guns.

Okay, I’ve gone on record probably on zillion times on the forum with my order of Star Trek (TOS) movies, but since the topic has been revisited. And this may not even exactly match what I’ve said in the past.

It’s so hard to judge, because you feel differently when you watch a movie the first time versus when you rewatch it.

So this list is “Star Trek movies in order of which ones I’d prefer to rewatch right now”

From fav to least fav (but with the caveate that I loved then all):

  1. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. There is no movie ever that I’ve loved more and have rewatched more than this one. I was reading an interview with Harve Bennet recently and I was reminded that without this movie, and without Harve Bennent — there probably would have been no more Star Trek movies, no Star Trek Next Generation, no DS9, and no other Star Trek series. Maybe Star Trek might have resurrected later, but it woulda been year later.

2. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. I really consider this as Part II of Wrath of Khan. Great moments, but doesn’t quite match my affection for WoK.

3. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Fun movie. The funniest ST movie (and meant to be). But I always felt it was intended more to please the general public more than the hard core Trekkie like me.

4. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. Very very flawed movie. Search for god premise was lame, and I’m frankly glad that Shatner didn’t get his way otherwise it woulda been worse. But some really awesome moments in it.

6: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. This movie is so well done in every way, so I feel like I SHOULD like this more. If it was early in the order I may have liked it better, but by the time number 6 rolled around I think even I was getting fatigued by the “Aging Characters Saving the Universe Again” idea.

5. Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Understand that I was THRILLED at the time to see this on the big screen when if first came out. But despite the intriguing ending, it doesn’t hold up as an entertaining movie.

Now bear in mind, despite all I said above, I LOVE all these movies. And they’re all in my top 30 favorite movies. And it’s Star Trek :smiley: (and I refuse to abbreviate it as “Trek” but that’s just me :o )

4 years! W00t!
(In fairness, 3 of those years BSG was on hiatus).

I think Blade Runner is one of those movies that gets better every time I see it. I re-watched it again for this 'cast and noticed more things I hadn’t even noticed before.

Also, while I think The Final Cut is the best version of the movie, the original with clunky voice over is a lot more understandable, at least in terms of plot. I might even prefer it in there if it was done better.

Re: Judge Dredd

It’s almost impossible to make Dredd work as a main character in a film. He’s just not sympathetic enough. I’m more excited about a (semi-pro?) fanfilm called Judge Minty. The main character is essentially an older, disillusioned Dredd (and who mentored Dredd when he was new to the Judges.)


The skype call was loads of fun, I’m currently watching Blade Runner now so I can listen to the rest of the cast with some context. For those who have seen it, what are the big differences between the versions of the film?

