#235: Superbad, HS Stories

We wrap up our high school movie arc with Superbad. Audra tells us about her McLovin’ experience. Sean comes clean on some high school exploits even his family had no idea about (until now). Listeners share their crazy teen stories. And we run down the week in geek, including Jane Espenson’s Torchwood contributions, Neil Stephenson’s new extended-edition books, the latest in the Hawking vs. Deity saga, confirmation of booooooobs in the new Conan flick, and new work from M. Night (or mmm, as we know him).

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Let the downloading commence!!!

Great hearing the Warehouse 13 love. A great show that maybe took a little while to find itself (as so many shows do) but is now paying off big-time for its fans. Glad the Crue is into it, and hopefully if anyone hasn’t checked it out, this might be a nudge in the right direction. Hivemind won’t steer you wrong, folks.

Goody Goody!!

Just in time for my drive to work.


Surely you jest those things are already frakkin tomes

Since Trek is one of the SciFi franchises near and dear to my heart, I must jump in here gentlemen. First, I must confess that I’ve never seen the entire DS9 series front to back, although I have seen most of it in syndication. This probably taints my personal ranking. However, I would rank the post TOS series as follows:

  1. TNG
  2. Voyager
  3. DS9
  4. Enterprise

And for the record, I do really like Enterprise, but just couldn’t put it above DS9.

Audra, we never heard how you would rank the series. I’d be interested to get your perspective.

Perhaps a GWC Poll is in order to find out the communities preference?

~Shooter Out :cool:

I haven’t watched any star trek front to back. I’ve seen maybe 10 episodes total.

I know I know I’m dumb.

No, you’re young.

Which is often, but not always, synonymous. :smiley:

I’ve had the advantage of seeing TOS over and over in syndication for years, watching the movies as they released into the theaters and then picking up TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise as they were new shows on TV. In fact, TNG kept me sane through some of my Academy years. With over 27 seasons worth of content plus 10 movies, the franchise is huge. I wouldn’t expect someone younger to have caught every episode. However, if you ever get the chance I would highly recommend watching through each series as they were aired (i.e. TOS then TNG then DS9 then Voyager then Enterprise). It gives you a great perspective on the franchise as it evolved, how technobabble came into style, and how the personalities and races dealt with each other.

~Shooter Out

Well Audra there’s a reason Oswego has so many bars. It’s frakking cold! All there is to do up there is frak and drink.

Here it is.

Thanks Talos. Although I think the Crue’s intention was best post TOS Star Trek series. But I think this way it challenges even their statement that TOS stands out on it’s own. TOS and the TNG-Enterprise series were in a different time, though.

I’m listening to the cast now, and laughing out loud about the “Orchestra people” part! Hahahaha, some people in my high school probably thought us Orchestra people were lepers. :slight_smile:

I played the violin from 6th grade all the way until 12th, and played the harp my last two years of high school. I participated in All-Region pretty much every year, and was always blown away by the talent I saw. My senior year I made All-Sate Orchestra, and got to go to San Antonio. I was 5th (AKA last) chair Harp, and was lost the whole time, the music was so damn hard! But it was a wonderful experience, and I still remember some of the music we played to this day.

The neat thing about my High School was that many Orchestra people crossed over into Theater, and Choir, and even Band. So we all kind of knew each other, and hung out together. I was way too quiet and reserved to be in theater, but I was in the pit orchestra for the musicals, which was so much fun. Maybe because my school was so big, we did not care or notice if other kids thought we were geeks. :o

Audra: Hawking is British (his accent probably threw you.)

The proscription against masterbation comes from an interpretation of the Genesis story of Onan.

I’m sorry…but hearing you guys talk about Stephen Hawking…well, all I could think of was…



Trek fan for many, many years…gotta go with the Chuck/Audra combo

1 - DS9 Cough podcast arc Cough
2 - TNG
3 - Voyager
4 - Enterprise

Didnt hate ENT…just felt likt they really didnt know what story they wanted to tell

So I know it’s not the most credible of sources, but a quick look at wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghoti) depicts what Audra was explaining about how “ghoti” can be pronounced as “fish”:

gh, pronounced /f/ as in tough;
o, pronounced /?/ as in women; and
ti, pronounced /?/ as in nation.

I’d never seen or heard of that before and was intrigued. I’m sure Audra has more specific background on the ghoti/fish pronunciation.

~Shooter Out

Heh, thank you.

Thanks to everyone who shared their very own debaucherous high school stories! It’s a blast listening to them, for sure.

If you guys like Seth Rogen, you must check out Freaks and Geeks and Undeclared to see his earliest work as an actor and as a writer (if you haven’t already, because they are both awesome).

A jumper is a sweater is a pullover. I think. Hm, is a cardigan always a cardigan? Seems unfair somehow.

Ah, fake IDs. Back in the day, a 9 was always changed into a 4, which is easier than turning 9 into 0. Or, use a real ID from a older friend.

ST: I love both TNG and DS9. DS9 I probably consider a better show, but TNG always wins out by being The trek series I watched as a kid. I have to admit I have seen only handfuls of both Voyager and Enterprise. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy them, but I agree with David that Enterprise felt too broad and I felt Voyager too self contained and narrow in terms of the stories they told - of the ones I’ve seen anyway. (huh, I’m goldilocks.)

I used that example for years as a teacher of English to speakers of other languages :slight_smile:

Yeah, a jumper is a pullover sweater. I’m pretty sure it excludes cardigans, but not certain if that pertains to day-to-day usage.

Where are our Brits? Oh, probably asleep at the moment…

Oh, I didn’t mean a cardigan is a jumper (or a sweater or a pullover), but that a cardigan appears to be always known as a cardigan whatever English you use.