2012 San Diego Comic-Con July 12th - 15th!

Okay…who’s going this year?! I am!!! Woot! It’s my first time (be gentle) and I have a couple of questions.

  1. What other events besides W00tsktock are going to be going down?

  2. Is there WiFi at the Convention Center?

I’m sure I’ll have more questions later!

This will be my 27th year going… (Dear gods…) And I HIGHLY recommend checking out Tr!ckster (across the street) last year was the first year for it, and where I ended up spending most of my time. Excellent time.

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If you’re interested in seeing what Tr!ckster is all about, here’s the site: http://trickstertrickster.com/

It’s a great gathering of some of the best creators in Horror, Sci Fi, and Fantasy comics, (such as Mike Mignola, Jill Thompson, Terry Moore, Scott McCloud, Steve Niles, Gabriel Ba, Fabio Moon, Matt Wagner, & many many more!) in a more low-key setting (with excellent wine and beer!) where you can actually TALK to creators about their work, get exclusive prints, shirts, and comics, and (if you’re interested) attend workshops! And… admission is free, whether you have a SDCC badge or not. Again, I cannot recommend it enough… it made SDCC enjoyable for me for the first time in over a decade last year (and that includes the year Comic Book Tattoo was released, and winning the Eisner Award!) so… check it out (and if you see me hanging around with my robot cigs, say hello!)

and to answer your question, there is WiFi in the convention center, but it costs money, and tends to be rather spotty in terms of your ability to connect, so fair warning there!

Thanks Rantz! I checked out the Tr!ckster site earlier…just didn’t have time to post a reply to you. :wink: One of THOSE days here.

I’ll have to look into that…

Oh, I know… The days NOT like that are sadly… Too frequently… The exception, rather than the rule!

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I’m going! Second time, I went in 2008. As far as what else is going on, I know Nerdist has a show Friday night at Balboa Theatre. And Zac Levi’s Nerd Machine does an offsite thing called Nerd HQ. Seems to be lots of tech/gaming but also small panels. Their website doesn’t have panel info yet but I believe you do need to buy tickets.

Looking forward to seeing/meeting everyone!

Alright Trish! It will be good to see you again!

I will be there with my 19-year-old son ConnerAZ. Typically the CA Browncoats host a Can’t Stop the Serenity screening of Serenity on Thursday night, the same night as Wootstock. Thus far, I’m not seeing any info on it, so I’m a bit worried they aren’t doing it this year. Wootstack is great, but a very late night, so I’m not going again this year.

I would love to go to the Nerd Machine event though. I will also Cosplay everyday too.

I don’t recall a Serenity screening that conflicted with w00tstock. I’m fairly sure it was Dr Horrible. I understand it’s been pretty well attended the past few years. Tough to get in.

We’re skipping w00tstock too. It’s awesome and not to be missed for 1st timers, but it is a VERY late night :slight_smile:

Can’t wait to see everyone!!!

You are right- got my email update from the CA Browncoats yesterday and it is indeed a Dr. Horrible screening for Thursday night. That’s where ConnerAZ and I will be, I’ll probably wear my DoRa Horrible costume for it.

I think I can skip anything late night…except maybe a GWC podcast thingie. :smiley: It’s going to be hard enough the first day or so getting used to NOT getting up at 2:30 a.m.

Looking forward to seeing you DawnAZ and ConnerAZ too! And Lady D and Topgun and Bkitty and TheHub and Puddy…hell everyone! 1 Month away! Woot!

I 'll be there with niece, nephew and bf!
Last year I didn’t get to use the wifi and my phone’s internet was crappy
When the programing gets posted on the comic con site let’s find out what everyone wants to see so we can try to go to the panels together

I got my tickets and parking but still looking for hotels, they are so expensive I rather drive the 1.7 hours home
any tips on finding cheap hotels?

See you all soon!!

We’ll definitely have an official meetup/podcast, and we’ll get that figured out soon. :slight_smile:

I know it’s late to be talking roommates but I may have a spot. I got a room thru friends that ended up with an extra room from the lottery and I won’t know if it’s one bed or two until right before, so I’d just be looking for one person. It’s very close to the convention center and therefore expensive! Anyone still looking?

Alright! Just made reservations for a camping site close by!
Got tickets, parking and camping. Now to figure out what to do with my insane doggie

I stayed aou by where bkitty lives, and while it wasn’t a five star hotel it was affordable, clean and easy to either meet up with others to drive down, or even take the trolley into town. It was less then $100/night if I recall correctly

I definitely recommend people check out hotels in the el Cajon, oceanside, or surrounding areas. If you have a car, the 15 minute drive is WELL worth the money (and headaches) you’ll save yourself!

posted from my galactic robot phone via Tapatalk II

Has anyone used a good schedule app for SDCC? I downloaded the “official” app and all it does is take me to the website. The apps for DragonCon and PhxCC let me make my personalized schedule on my phone or the web. I will need a solid plan for SDCC!

Dawn if you have an Android phone, I’d recommend Astrid, as it syncs with Google calendar, can send email reminders, and has the ability to schedule multiple simultaneous events with differing levels of “priority”.

posted from my galactic robot phone via Tapatalk II