2012 San Diego Comic-Con July 12th - 15th!


Looks like the podcast will. E for Friday night! The hub and I will look into reserving space at http://www.bustersbeachhouse.com/ again. It’s walking distance from the Convention Center.

I’ll set up an RSVP thread when I get home.

Maybe in poll form for easy numbers? Thots?

Dawn have you dlded the My Schedule app to your phone? It IS on the official website, but let’s you pick your specific choices and save them in a separate list, and also synchs it to your computer if you are logged in.

Who 's going And who wants to meetup

Thanks TG- I did find that and create my own schedule. I have to say I’m a bit surprised SDCC doesn’t have a more sophisticated app like other cons, but then again the user volume is different than smaller cons.

ConnerAZ and I will be there after 7:30 pm.Our last panel ends at 7 Friday night.

get yourselves on over to the Friday Night podcast dinner poll!



love, me! b!

Woah. It’s Sunday night!! And we’ll be in SD Wednesday just before noon! Luggage is out of the closet and ready to pack! Anyone who doesn’t already have Lady D’s or my tel # give me a DM on Twitter or a PM here. Looking forward to seeing old friends and making some new ones!

My 2012 SDCC photos/movies will be here as I can get them uploaded in the evenings: http://www.flickr.com/photos/13667473@N08/sets/72157630503868828/

I’ve just thrown a few pics into the GWC Flickr pool too, lots more are coming but I’ve got to GET BACK TO THE CON !!


My Friday and Saturday SDCC pictures have been added to my photostream now.

It’s been CRAAAAAAZY busy for me (but a great show, lots of exciting projects as a result) But I HAVE managed to get some snaps here and there…

Met with Margaret Atwood yesterday…

And while waiting for her to finish an interview I ran in to BaBaBooey /Gary from the Howard Stern show…

Today AND yesterday Harry Kloor (ST:V & Space Above and Beyond) introduced me to Kevin J Anderson and we talked about… Ummmm… Many things, including the upcoming CLOCKWORK ANGELS novel he wrote with Neil Peart that ties in to the new Rush album of the same name, & he was kind enough to give me a preview…

… And while eating lunch, I ran into my buddy Steve Niles…

Sleeping time now!

posted from my galactic robot phone via Tapatalk II

I created a Flicker Group for pictures taken over the Con: http://www.flickr.com/groups/2057163@N22/

I have 3 sets of pictures on Flickr now:

GWC Meetup pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/13667473@N08/sets/72157630577819810/

SDCC: http://www.flickr.com/photos/13667473@N08/sets/72157630503868828/

SD misc: http://www.flickr.com/photos/13667473@N08/sets/72157630606295418/

All my photos from San Diego have now been uploaded!

Now to get in a little face time with a beach to relax. :wink:

While some of the panel videos are up on YouTube (they will be pulled) you can download a copy (to YOUR computer) using a site called KeepVid. Copy the url of the video you want on YouTube (Vimeo…whatever) and paste it in the URL box and click Download. Tell it where to save it to your drive. Ignore the crap on the site about having to buy the software, you download it through your browser and the files will play.

I just downloaded the Firefly 10th Anniversary panel video!

Very good idea, I’ve also downloaded hours of SDCC panels in the last few days. But with jDownloader which is a handy software to download most files from the net. After installing and starting it you only have to copy the link of the YT videos and then you can download them. Also works with many other videohosters like vimeo etc.

Do these work with macs?

KeepVid will it’s entirely through the browser. Once you hit the download button the next page will load and you can choose your format to download.



Had to share this video I found with Neil deGrasse Tyson (it was his first Comic-Con too) speaking at the audience mic during the Starship Smackdown panel at the end of the Con. This is why this man is a favorite scientist/geek of mine…he gets it…he’s one of us!


That is truly a superhero using their powers for good.