2001: A Space Odyssey 1/28 @ 9 PM ET

I’m at 10:36 have I caught up?

Fight at the watering hole. So human.

Yep. You’re getting the hang of it. Frak on!!

The glowing eyes of the leopard was a nice touch.

So, who do you think is Moon-Watcher? This is gonna be incredibly racist, they all look alike.

Not quite yet. :rolleyes:

Look it’s James T Kirk!! Oh wait.

You know what this scene reminds me of? I was at a bar over the weekend and they were playing the football game. People were jumping around and screaming at the TV. We haven’t change much…really.

Man’s first handball court…

Monolith music…beautiful but creepy.

I love how there’s no clear indication of how it got there. One day, it wasn’t, and now it is. Gotta love mysterious godlike aliens. :slight_smile:

dem bones dem bones…

Love the abrupt change…it’s so surreal. You’re left with the feeling of what did I miss? Then as monkey-man stares at the bones it flashes back to the monolith.

…and look!! In the background… Adam and Eve are eating the apple.


Just imagine the damage that one of those mooks could do with a chicken wing bone. :stuck_out_tongue:

Take that you fiend!!

They should real be careful they could get sick from eating raw meat…:rolleyes:

And now… for something completely different! Space.

hehe. Mook.

So, who are you in this scenario? Rodney King or…oh no Imma get in trouble for that.