12/2007 Winner: Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein

I have never actually read this, I’m embarassed to say, although I did listen to it on audiobook several years back and enjoyed it a great deal. I also enjoyed the film adaptation – my impression it is that is unusual to like both, but there you have it. Maybe I am not discriminating enough…

Anyway, the GWC Book Club would be the perfect excuse for me to finally read Starship Troopers.

Also of interest would be Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land – another of his great classics that I’ve never read. So many books…!

This is a good idea. Maybe it should be followed by a film re-watch?

Sounds good to me… I liked both too…

— Dismal

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You know, any of you that haven’t read Starship Troopers would really get a kick out of it. And it’s a very easy read – about as long as Enders Game and chock full of dudes jumping around in powered suits. Good stuff.

I’m in for it i liked the movie, maybe i won’t after the book, but i think it would be interesting to find out :slight_smile:

OMG! Somebody beat me to it!

Starships Troopers might very well be one of the best sci-fi books ever written. IMHO, the moral(s) that it teaches might be one of the most important and relevant morals that could be taught in today’s society.

It’s a really good book by itself without the moral banter, too. Action, explosions, teenage drama. What more could you want! :smiley:

Same goes for the movie, although the moral subject matter is changed somewhat on screen. Plus, not to sound like a pig, but the movie has partially naked ladies.

Naked. Ladies.

I’m all in for a Starship Troopers re-watch! :rolleyes:

You know, I saw the movie first and hated it. Then when I was in Afghanistan my grandmother of all people sent me this book. I scoffed at first, but as there was nothing else to do for entertainment, I read it. I absolutely loved the book. The book truly does read like an epic movie, so why frak with a good script? But speaking of those power suits, oh yeah, I had a J.D. style daydream while I was climbing a mountain, wishing I had one! Leaping to the top in a matter of minutes….life wuldva been a lot easier!

I am in the middle of this book and i love it. But my question is why did they change the movie too not follow the book?

Well in the book people seem to get hung up in the idea of a veteran run government. This is usually followed by a rant with how Heinlein was a fascist.

The movie and the book haters seem to miss the point that the book is about the comradery between people in combat.

Apparently the people making the movie figured that would’ve been too deep, and opted for half naked women instead.

…and the problem would be…? :smiley:

LOL, I will admit that was the only bright spot to the movie.

But gratuitous nudity in a movie based on “Starship Trooper”…….well that makes as much sense as having King George’s wife flashing cleavage in a film about the revolutionary war.

(Apparently it’s possible, so watch out!)

I’d always thought the movie was a little too over the top as far as violence was concerned. I think it would have been just as effective without the myriad bodies ripped to shreds scenes. The gratuitous nudity was just fine, of course. But I did enjoy the movie. Although I initially voted for another book on the Dec poll, I am actually hoping ST wins, as I’ve never read it and am actually kind of psyched now to read it based on all the GWCer’s remarks!!

The votes are all in, and this month’s book is Robert A. Heinlein’s Starship Troopers.

Here’s the pertinent information:

Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starship_Troopers
Via BN: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?z=y&EAN=9780441783588&itm=1
Via Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Starship-Troopers-Robert-Heinlein/dp/0441783589/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1196530044&sr=8-1

And, as always, you can find copies of this book at pretty much any bookstore near you – plus virtually any used book store, too. Hopefully you’ll take the time this week to snag a copy (or bust out the one collecting dust on your bookshelf) and join us in a group read, sharing your related thoughts and experiences here.

Well Just got my copy from Amazon.

I have always wanted to read this book.

I have to admit that I have not read much Heinlein.

I have a copy sitting on my bookshelf right now, I should have it read by next Tuesday or Wensday, depending on when I finish Dies the Fire.

Im in it will be a nice reread.

Can we cheat and just watch the movie??? :slight_smile:

j/k… the movie and the book just happen to have the same name… totally different otherwise

I checked out the audio novel onetime, it was really good. I do wanna read the book sometime. I wish the movie was more like it. on a related note, the was a CG series called Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles, it followed closer to the book. Heres a link to the wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roughnecks:_Starship_Troopers_Chronicles
There are episodes of it on youtube aswell: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Roughnecks%3A+Starship+Troopers+Chronicles&search=Search

Very interesting, TOE. I’m amazed that there are entire series that I managed to miss completely.