So I got this from another board I frequent and I thought it was interesting. I am curious to see what 6 member dream team you would come up with (5 members plus yourself) that you would want in a zombie (or apocalyptic) survival situation. Your team can be limited to general skill sets, such as farmer, metalworker, electrician, etc., or you can be specific in choosing someone for their skill sets (example: survivalist Bear Grylls). If you could explain a little about your picks that would be cool.
Here is my general skills list
Farmer/horticulturalist - Knowledge of planting, harvesting, living off the land, and determining edible plants in the wild. Not afraid of hard work and long days.
ER doctor/combat surgeon/medic - Don’t want a specialized, private practice doctor, sorry. I want someone that can handle high pressure, crap situations and isn’t afraid to make tough calls on life and death quickly.
Career Criminal/Gang member - Can handle firearms, hand to hand fighting, can pick locks, break in, hotwire cars, get out of tight situations. General knowledge of what it’s like to live on the fringes.
Weapons Expert (preferably Ex-military Special Forces) - knowledge in weapons, explosves, hand to hand combat, military strategy, natural leader, chain of command, all around bad ass.
General handyman/woman - Someone that knows their way around a set of tools. Can fix or build a lot of items and can teach others how to build/fix things.
Bonus pick: Benedict Cumberbatch - because let’s face it, a world without that man would not be a world I would want to live in. Skill sets - general eye candy, propagation of the human species type stuff.