OK I’m a dumb frak!!!
Gryper pointed me to the FAQ so ok I read that.
As I said I’m a dumb frak-up…
How do I embed youtube vids?
Like this: [frak]videoNumber[/frak] Only use the word 'youtube' instead of 'frak.' The videonumber is the part of the youtube link after the "v="
PiconCheese is a dumb frak
so why doesn’t [YOUTUBE1]ulvMf_2r_lY[YOUTUBE1] (deleting the 1 of course!) work?
Is it because my videonumber only has one number in it?
Is it because I was embedding while updating a post?
Is it because I uploaded from Australia and I’m automatically given a ‘http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=ulvMf_2r_lY’ url that has AU in it and VBB doesn’t like that?
So I’ll see if it works below (fingers crossed)