Youtube Embedding (Yes I read the FAQ)

OK I’m a dumb frak!!!
Gryper pointed me to the FAQ so ok I read that.
As I said I’m a dumb frak-up…

How do I embed youtube vids?
Like this: [frak]videoNumber[/frak] Only use the word 'youtube' instead of 'frak.' The videonumber is the part of the youtube link after the "v="
PiconCheese is a dumb frak

so why doesn’t [YOUTUBE1]ulvMf_2r_lY[YOUTUBE1] (deleting the 1 of course!) work?

Is it because my videonumber only has one number in it?
Is it because I was embedding while updating a post?
Is it because I uploaded from Australia and I’m automatically given a ‘’ url that has AU in it and VBB doesn’t like that?

So I’ll see if it works below (fingers crossed)

You forgot the slash in the trailing youtube tag. Otherwise, that looks right.

OMG - its was right there - Saul Tigh would have seen it before me! Time to find an ERF size rock to hide under. Quick close this thread!

Cmon baby work!


PiconCheese…may I call you Cheese? No worries, everyone struggles the first time they try the Youtube tag.

By your command, thread closed. Anyone like it reopened, shoot me a PM.

(for the record, I am going to strip the poll as well)