Your favorite comic book memories

You know that one comic that changed your life, tell us your stories about the comics that changed your life. and made you love em…

Let me start with two comics I adore… the first X-men 100 it was one of the first comics i can recall and it has influenced me more than i can say…

there was X-men fighting x-men there was wolverine stabbing jean grey,

“but there a problem your not her” moment

jean sacrificing herself to bring them all home safely and the phoenix. it was an incredible moment in my young life.

wolverine 42 the whole comic was wolverine fighting saber tooth in sewers trying to save a robot girl. I wish I could say why I loved it so but i can’t accept the the little girl sacrifices herself for the ultimate bad ass quasi immortal wolverine. its just a great story

both of these i have read more than a few hundred times i just love them so much, these are seeds of my imagination.


The Invisibles.

The Watchmen

Amazing, heartbreaking comics, often imitated, never bettered.

I was never a huge comic book reader but I’ve always been obsessed with Batman.

Needless to say, Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight absolutely rocked my world. It was really the first time I realized comic books could be a form of literature.

I’ve always been a Superman fan since my family took me to see Superman I and II. Christopher Reeves will always be the defacto Superman to me and all others I compare to him.

That said, the Death and Rise of Superman will stick with me. I can’t remember a time before where a nightly network news made a reference about a comic book before he died. There’s been a few since (Archie being the latest. d: )

I was always into Batman since being a kid. But right when I was at about the age when people start to lose interest in comics, Dark Knight Returns arrive. It made such an impression on me that I’d forever consider superhero comics and graphic novels as worthy a medium and genre as any – movies, literature, anything.

The Maxx
the various Crow series
The Dark Knight Returns
Kingdom Come
The Tick
In this order, these comics got me hooked for life. Then discovering the Buffy and Angel comics were usually as entertaining as the show (or even more sometimes) got me collecting those titles, and Fray. Discovering Jim Lee’s “Hush” run on Batman was a later revelation that got me collecting the main Batman title.

I have two. The first one was the one that made me Marvel fangirl, when my cousin Stevie gave me a few comics for my seventh or eighth birthday. I know one was Silver Surfer but it didn’t really interest me; the one that did was an issue of Uncanny X-men. I can’t remember what issue since my mom threw it out one day, but I read it to death before she did. It had Rogue, Gambit, Moira McTaggert, and Banshee talking in what was to me some incomprehensible language. And I loved it.

The other was years later, when I found the trade paperback for “Star Wars X-Wing: Requiem for a Rogue” in a bookstore. It’s so very much not the best story arc of the series, but I was thrilled to find that there was a written story for the stuff that had been referenced in Stackpole’s X-wing books.

And now I spend waaay more money every Wednesday than I should buying comics!

Mine is probably a bit obscure, but the end of the series Rising Stars.

I never made it to the end of that, how was it?

Aw man I love that gn. So good.

For me, probably the end of Red Son

The first time I picked up Dark Knight Returns…that was it for me

I never made it to the end of that, how was it?

Amazing. How far did you get? I think overall book 2 (I’m measuring in TPB here) was my favorite, but the end of the 3rd and final book was just spectacular. They have the whole thing over at Amazon for just shy of $40. Do it!

The last part I read was the Church-dude’s death, then it stoped coming out for ages, and I didn’t pick it up again.

Yeah, I think there was a delay while Straczynski was having “negotiations” with the publisher. That’s most of the way through, so its definitely worth finishing. I read the whole thing pretty much at once after it was completed, which was probably the best way to do it.

I have always been a very light comic fan. I really never bought any books for myself. The occasional Wolverine book every now and then. I bought the Watchmen whisch is amazing but it wasn’t until i read Fables that i really started collecting. I sitll only collect the graphic novel versions so i have to wait but i always preorder them and Amazon sends them to me fast like. Then i always put aside what i am reading so i can rush thru the series.

When wolverine ate a baby!

in What if: the X-men lost inferno the demons award their servant Wolverine with a human infant that he quickly devours… changed me forever!

I grew up on Superman, Green Arrow, Aquaman and J’onn J’onzz the Martian Manhunter comics. But Superman was my absolute favorite super-hero.

I remember the day I could first read. I was “reading” Superman. I was 6 years old. All of a sudden I recognized the word “the”, “he”, “car”, and a few other words. What an explosion in my head. If I was enjoying my comics before I could read, it was no comparison to after I learned to read. Those comic transported me to so many worlds. Just great.

Oh wow! THAT brought memories RUSHING back!

Desert Island Dick in the 1972 “Topper Annual” when I suddenly got what words meant!

(It wasn’t 1972 when I read the book, I was 4 or 5, so '82 ish)

My family weren’t impressed by my mad skillz though :frowning: Buncha jerks.

But still, a good memory! Thanks!

Well my Fav memory is when I really got into Comics . It wasn’t my first book but one of them. The cover Gabbed me.

Been an X-men fan ever since but did stop collecting @ 2oo1 and just getting caught back up on trades…

Used to listen to Music when I read comics and to this Day when I hear certain songs I think of those comics I was reading at that time.