You'll Get It... But No One Else Will

I know all you GWCers will appreciate my plate choice, but I doubt anyone else will:

Sorry the car’s so dirty. It’s all crappy out today.

It never rains on Rylos

Yeah, I’ll hightail it back there as soon as I check on a few future Starfighters. Baby needs new bodies.

That is the COOLEST thing ever! :slight_smile:

Hey, no way. I drive a black Honda Civic too. Only difference is I have a New Hampshire license plate and a faded green “Save the Ales” bumper sticker. Drivers behind me think I’m a save-the-whales hippie, until they drive up reall close and are disappointed to find I’m just an ale-drinking yuppie.

Sheesh, I have a black Honda Civic also. We are now going to have to check what cars all of the alpacas on the board have.

One of these days, I’ll get around to getting the “P3X-888” plate I’ve been contemplating…

Oh my gods, AT. There’s only one explanation: Your car, Chuck’s car and my car. They’re all cylons! Cylons look like Civics now… I’m afraid to ask, but did you car radio keep playing “All Along the Watchtower” today?

I was so going to buy a plain-Jane model, but then Audra’s like “let’s drive the Si.” Next thing you know, we have an Si. Go figure.

We’ll I had to buck the trend and went with the dark blue Civic. For some reason everyone thinks it’s purple. I don’t get it! But since we all have Civics, I think you guys are right about us being Cylons. You know the old saying: “Great Cylons network their computers alike” or something like that. I do envy you guys for the black. It’s very sharp looking, but dark blue is my favorite color.

The most embarrassing thing though is that there are literally a dozen other cars identical to mine at school and I have been known to walk towards theirs only to realize that it’s not mine. Thank goodness for key less entry because it would be even more embarrassing to go that far before realizing it’s not my car. I did slap a Jimmie Johnson #48 decal on the back to prevent me from such follies, but now I get ribbed for having a “redneck” decal on a very not redneck car. What’s a guy to do…

Not purple:

wow Pike, i think youve inspiried me to get a Abados plate…
if i only i had a car then everything would be ok…

kinda funny my dad drives a black Civic that he said, when i drive, ill get…strange
dude #13 why do you drive a purple civic?

Today? My friend does a morning show at the local college radio station (WXCI 91.7) and this morning he played “All along the Watchtower” from my Galactica season 3 soundtrack.

< Cue creepy music >

Oh Boxy. And you wondered why we unanimously voted to box you.

slap to the face dude:(
actually my dad has a manuel transmission infinity…he hasent figured out how to drive it very well yet

A former car of mine had a “Miskatonic University” decal in the rear window. One day, while driving home from work in Atlanta traffic, I get hit from behind by another car. Fortunately it was a rather low-speed collision and my car was undamaged but his had shattered both of his fog lights.

After determining that I was OK and wasn’t planning to sue or anything the other driver admitted, somewhat embarrassed, that he had been following too closely because he had been trying to read the university decal in my window and was trying to figure out where Miskatonic University was. I just said that it was a small college in Arkham, Massachusetts and let it go at that; I didn’t have the heart to tell him that he had just done a few hundred dollars worth of damage to his car trying to figure out where a fictional university was.

I too, drive a black Honda Civic! But it’s old and beat to hell, so I’m not showing any pictures of it.
…'Scuse me, I keep hearing this music…

I get about one person a month remarking on my license plate frame…

Nice frame, but you probably want to blur the actual plate number.