Y: The Last Man

Anyone else reading Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughn? I’m just waiting for the last trade to come out so I can see how it ends! Stupid hometown - there’s no comic book store here!

I’ve put it on my reading list, but it’s grown so long I have no clue when I’ll get to it.

That sounds like a pretty cool comic, never heard of it…

Yeah, right. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is what got me into comics a couple of years ago. I’ve found that I do enjoy all of BKV’s stuff - specifically Pride of Baghdad and X Men. The trade that comes out (or is out by now maybe!) is the last one and I’m seriously going to be bummed once I finish. The whole concept of 1 man left in all of humankind is freakishly scary but totally interesting. Just think GR, if you were the ONLY man left on an earth full of women, what would you do? And with who? :eek:

Runaways, another creation from Brian K. Vaughn, is pretty amazing too if you’ve never tried it before. Joss Whedon is writing it now that BKV is done with it.

The great thing is that Marvel just announced last week a Runaways movie for 2010/2011. The even better news is that Vaugh will get to write the movie :slight_smile:

Got the 3 hard cover trades of these too. Oui, I could have paid cash for my new Ipod if I wouldn’t have purchased all these comics!!

Amazing! your avatar and handle are from that exact comic! you should really check it out! :smiley:
I’m waiting for the last trade too. I recently introduced my bestfriend to Y, he couldn’t get enough. Would you guys recommend Runaways then?

I guess, technically speaking, his screen name is from Hamlet.

Yes - I liked the Runaways series. It’s somewhat Heroes-esqe so if you like Heroes, you’ll probably like this series. The art is good and I found myself getting sucked into the art and then having to go back and re-read the pages because I would get to the next page and go “what just happened?” :slight_smile:

Wholeheartedly, once you start reading it, it’s really hard to put it down. Still waiting for the upcoming hardcover arc written by Joss Whedon.

i’ve read about the first 50 issues of Y, and it’s like crack. you try to walk away from it, and the next thing you know you’ve been awake all night with your eyes wide open. i was bummed to hear the series was coming to a close, but i’m also excited to see how it ends and finally know the answers. which, upon re-reading that sentence, is exactly how i feel about BSG these days.

Y is most definitley crak for the eyeballs. I picked up all nine of the trades back a while ago and read them all in one day. And now I’ve been fiending for the last one for months and I’m about out of patience. Yes, I know it comes out July 1st (SQUEE!!).

So if ya’ll are debating on reading this series or not I must wholeheartedly give it a massive thumbs up. The plot is incredible and the art is fantastic. Definitely worth every penny you spend on them.

Ok - finally ordered, received and read the last trade paperback. I must say, I was…disappointed. I realize the story had to end but it just seemed like they gave up. [spoiler]355 dies, Beth shacks up with Honor, they clone Yorick, and then the scary old Yorick escapes.[/spoiler]
O’well, at least I know how it ends.