Xam'd Lost Memories 11/5 6PM EST

Well the kid was holding a rock when we met him, but we have yet to see him in action.

Reminds me of the separation in Eureka Seven a little. But, still different enough for me.

Well his little balloon eye-pet came in handy…

I kinda like the new ED.

Only eleven more to go… Hopefully this strange old lady does not have any weird fetishes she wants him to fullfill…

I thought you’ve seen the series before? I have, but I’ve forgotten most of it because I saw it near when it first came out. Like when Furuchi offed himself, I went “Oh yeah, that’s right.”

No I stumbled across this series just recently. And when I saw that my new jobs schedule would allow our Saturaday frak parties, I chose this series so I could see the rest of it. But I held back one week so it would not interfer with your birthday. :slight_smile:

A shame netflix does not play the alternate intros and endings, I like them… And it would make a nice change of pace.

Bleach has what? Twenty different openings and endins? :smiley:

Heh. I would have prefered a frak that day. But thanks for the consideration.

I would not have chosen this series for a frak before now, but I’m re-warming up to it.

I am excited about the new season and OVA of Darker than Black… Maybe that can be our next frak.

Most likely, it isn’t Netflix’s fault but the North American distributor/licensee. I’ve seen it happen on other series when they go cheap. Shame too because the new perspective helps in many cases.

Bleach and Naruto have too many. d:

I’d be down with that. I never did finish the last OAV series. ):

How about a high school fantasy one like Air or Clannad? I want to re-watch those. I started watching Full Metal Panic again, but I haven’t gotten past the first episode. >.>

I’m tempted to re-watch Card Captor Sakura too because it’s been remastered for Blu-ray.

The new opening is more appropriate, and now I have to sit through the old opening for another eleven episodes with a character in the opening that is not even alive now… :stuck_out_tongue:

Hive mind. I was gonna point out something like that, but I didn’t want to be mean. d:

The new ending also have characters that are current or will be current soon.

I think I would fall asleep trying to watch a High School drama/romance. Or kill myself… maybe. I guess it all depends on what kind of mood we are in when this series is finished, who knows what our tatses will be by then?

Air and Clannad aren’t your normal high school romances. I wouldn’t suggest those. That’s why I said high school fantasy. Air and Clannad are about as typical as Summer Wars is to a typical high school romance series. And their stories are sooo good!

Card Captor Sakura and Full Metal Panic is more for nostalgia’s sake.

Alright I will keep them in mind, we are still a ways off until the next series. I will check them out. See you next week. :slight_smile: