Xam'd Lost Memories 11/12 6PM EST

Xam’d Lost Memories


[SIZE=4][b][SIZE=6]Saturday 11/12

6PM Eastern Standard Time

Episodes 17-20

25 minutes per episode


[SIZE=3][SIZE=4]Plot Summary:

[SIZE=3]Enter Sentan, a lush, tranquil island encased in war between the military and those with Hiruko, known as X’amd. On one of these warlike days, Akiyuki Takehara heads off to school and gets caught in a raid by the creatures. Through a series of events he is transformed into a X’amd, and with the help of a Tessikan woman Nakiami along with his highschool friend Haru, Akiyuki is forced to learn to live with the Hiruko or faces the danger of losing his self-control and turn to stone.

Genres: action,fantasy,romance,[science fiction](http://forum.galacticwatercooler.com/encyclopedia/search/genreresults?w=series&a=AA&a=OC&a=TA&a=MA&g=science fiction&o=rating)

[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=3][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]Available on Netflix Instant Watch.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]

Qued up and ready to go! :slight_smile:

Here and started.

Repentant? Or more scheming?

How can he eat with that mask on?

We don’t wanna know. d:

This song is pretty.

Cool. Delivering mail should help bring back his memory…

That thing is the voice on the radio???

I got the impression it was lip syncing to the radio message. That the same message is repeated over and over…

Now, I think it was parroting the voice on the radio.

The cute spirits also seem like a Miyazaki homage…

I wonder what was in her note??? It sure pissed him off though! :smiley:

Lots of good information in that episode. And some heart warming, and tragic stuff as well…

“Thanks for everything.”

So she does have a sense of humor… At least he got to cop a feel before she left… :smiley:

Gross old man.

So it does talk…

I think she meant it sincerely?

They disappear like they did in Mononoke Hime.