X-Men: The Last Stand Frak Party 12/19 @ 10 PM ET

Robbing someone of the right to decide his own fate is absolutely wrong. Another good way to rob me of the very essence that make me who i am is to kill me. When offered the choice between 1) losing my mind, my free will, and my personality or 2) death, frankly I’m different. I don’t want either to happen to me, and either are exactly same shitty choice, as far as I’m concerned.

I’m not saying what Magneto does is WORSE than what Prof X does. I’m just saying that Sean’s assertion that Prof X is clearly a worse person than Magneto because Magneto has the decency to kill you… well I don’t buy it.

Once again, I’m not claiming that Magneto is worse than Prof X. Or even the humans. In fact, we are arguing for the same position, it seems. I am saying Prof X, Magneto, and the humans are all exactly the same, in the way they preach the justness of their causes, but when self-interests are threatened, they ditch their morality in 0.27 seconds and use whatever means necessary to save their own collective asses. No one side can claim moral superiority over the other.

I guess my point, in summary, is this: they all suck. Equally.

I can get behind that.